‘THE SAGE’-Klein’s Online Newsletter—JUNE 2018
Klein’s Floral & Greenhouses
608/244-5661 or info@kleinsfloral.com
You’re Invited to a ‘Ladies’ Night Out’ at Klein’s
Our ‘Mad Gardener’ Is Ready for Your Questions
Klein’s 10th Annual Most Beautiful Garden Contest
Gardening Health and Safety Tips
Wisconsin Native Flowers in the Garden
Improved Access & Parking at the New Klein’s
Klein’s Favorite Seed, Bulb & Plant Sources
You Asked the Mad Gardener About an Unidentifiable Perennial
Plant of the Month: Lantana (Lantana camara)
Klein’s Favorite Parsley Recipes
Product Spotlight: Mad Mats® from Mariachi Imports
Notes from Rick’s Garden Journal—From May 2018
—Some Like It Hot
—A Bed of Sage
—Tips for Keeping Pots Adequately Moist
June in the Garden: A Planner
Gardening Events Around Town
Review Klein’s @: Yelp, Google Reviews or Facebook Reviews
Join Us on Twitter
Follow Us on Facebook
Delivery Information
Related Resources and Websites
Plants Harmful to Kids and Pets


Think you have the Most Beautiful Garden? Perhaps all of that hard work and creativity can literally pay off by entering our Most Beautiful Garden Contest. We invite you to submit photographs along with our entry form to Klein’s via e-mail or snail mail by September 1. Winners are selected by our staff and will be announced on our website in early September. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places include gift cards for a Klein’s shopping spree. We have a separate category for container gardens.


They say pictures say a thousand words and sometimes the most simple of designs says more than the most elaborate. Please visit our home page in the following weeks at www.kleinsfloral.com for details and entry information.


On Wednesday, June 13 we will be hosting “Ladies’ Night Out” from 4:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Come out for a fun-filled night of shopping, refreshments, door prizes and more!


We will have door prizes from Dramm, Firepot, Dr Earth, Purple Cow Organics, The Princeton Club, a Patio Container Garden from Klein’s and the Grand Prize will be a “Bouquet-a- Month” for a year! Receive a raffle ticket for attending and for every $xx purchase. Need not to be present to win.


The first 100 people to pre-register will receive a bag with two extra door tickets, Jack’s sample packets, Dr. Earth booklet, free two week Princeton Club membership, among other items.


Representatives from Purple Cow Organics, Jack’s Fertilizers and Dr. Earth will be here to answer questions,


Receive double rewards points on all purchases that evening.


FOR NEIGHBORHOOD EVENTS OR GARDEN TOURS that you would like posted on our web site or in our monthly newsletters, please contact Rick at (608) 244-5661 or rick@kleinsfloral.com. Please include all details, i.e. dates, locations, prices, brief description, etc. Events must be garden related and must take place in the Madison area.


“Madison’s Firsthand Source for Expert Gardening Advice”


Ask any of your gardening questions by e-mailing them to us at madgardener@kleinsfloral.com. Klein’s in-house Mad Gardener will e-mail you with an answer as promptly as we can. We’ve also posted a link to this e-mail address on our home page for your convenience. Your question might then appear in the “You Asked” feature of our monthly newsletter. If your question is the one selected for our monthly newsletter, you’ll receive a small gift from us at Klein’s. The Mad Gardener hopes to hear from you soon!


Sorry, we can only answer those questions pertaining to gardening in Southern Wisconsin and we reserve the right to leave correspondence unanswered at our discretion. Please allow 2-3 days for a response.


Please note that our Mad Gardener is not only an expert gardener, but can answer all of your indoor plant questions as well.


Through June 17:
Monday thru Friday : 8:00-8:00 (Open Tuesdays at 7:00)
Saturday: 8:00-6:00
Sunday: 9:00-5:00


After Father’s Day, June 17:
Monday thru Friday : 8:00-6:00
Saturday: 9:00-5:00
Sunday: 10:00-4:00


Open Wednesday, July 4: 10:00-4:00


Throughout June, visit Klein’s and check out our specials on annuals, vegetables, herbs, hanging baskets and containers. Specials and selection change weekly so give us a call for the most up-to-date information at (608) 244-5661 or toll free at 888-244-5661 or on our home page @ www.kleinsfloral.com. We pride ourselves in having the best cared for plants in even the hottest weather and throughout the month we’ll continue to offer a full selection of annuals and perennials.


June 14–Flag Day


June 17–Father’s Day


June 21–First Day of Summer


June 27–Full Moon




With all the press on nonnative invasives, it’s time to focus on many the great plants that are native to Wisconsin and would make wonderful additions to any garden. We’re lucky to come from an area of the country that has supplied many of the world’s most popular garden perennials–or hybridized versions thereof. Many plants native to the Midwest have made their way to Europe, where plant breeders have improved on many of the their already desirable qualities. These plants are now returning to the United States in completely new forms and colors.


Adding native plants to the landscape has become exciting and trendy. The best example is the explosion of echinacea cultivars available to the consumer. Just 20 years ago, purple cone flower was seldom used in most urban American gardens. Because it’s a native, many thought of it as boring, a little weedy looking and even invasive because it readily self sows. Things have changed drastically as echinacea has been hybridized in both Europe and Japan. We now offer large-flowered echinacea (Rubinstern), short echinacea (Kim’s Knee High), double echinacea (Razzmatazz), fragrant echinacea and echinacea in shades of pastel pink, orange (Sunset), rosy red (Twilight) and yellow (Sunrise). And this is only the beginning, as new forms of Wisconsin natives make their way back to the United States.


In the coming years look for dramatic changes offered in cultivars of goldenrod (we already have the unbelievable Fireworks), rudbeckia (new cultivars appear almost yearly), joe pye weed (see Baby Joe for a mini-version), blanketflower (check out Fanfare for something unique), spiderwort, asters, helenium, perennial sunflowers and liatris. The list goes on and on, from grasses to ferns to even native orchids.


By incorporating natives into your landscape, both in original and hybridized form, one also helps with the native butterfly, insect and bird populations. Native pollinators are naturally drawn to plants that played a major roll in their evolution. And change the way you look at gardening forever by adding some beautiful “roadside weeds” like milkweed, vervain, fleabane, bee balm, nettle, cardinal flower. By taking your cues from nature you can make your garden ever changing and always exciting.


Help! Can you identify the weed in the attached photo? For several years it has been creeping across my perennial garden. I thought it was the dreaded bindweed but the leaves are serrated. I think it is spreading under the soil. Claire


Hi Claire,
From the photos you sent me, I believe that is Adenophora confusa or A. liliifolia, aka Ladybells. It is a garden thug from the Campanula family of plants. Many of us, including me, planted it in our gardens as a hand-me-down/shared plant or it has crept in from neighbors. It was commonly sold at garden centers (including Klein’s) in the 1990’s. Google the images and see if you recognize the flowers; dangling blue bells along a single stalk in June. Not all the plants you see creeping through the garden will flower this year. Though beautiful, it is a bully, yet pulls rather easily.


Thanks for your question,
Klein’s Mad Gardener


. . . that the new Klein’s has easier access and twice the number of parking spots as the old facility?


Access to Klein’s and finding a parking spot have become a quite bit easier for shoppers at the new Klein’s. With the main entrance of our new facility now facing southwest and Walgreens instead of East Washington Ave., we’ve increased parking options twofold with the elimination the dandelion-filled and unused lawn that once filled the space between us and Walgreens. Access from East Washington Ave. was widened extensively and now allows for two way traffic and increased exit options directly onto East Wash. For our customers coming from downtown or from the north or south off Stoughton Rd. (Hwy 51), the mutual access behind Walgreen’s on Stoughton Rd. remains our main entrance and exit. In addition, we’ve increased the number of handicapped parking options and added a bike rack near the main entrance.


We thank all of you all for discovering us if not a returning customer, for your patience during this whirlwind transition and for your support in making this first spring in our new facility a resounding success!


PRODUCT SPOTLIGHTEach month we spotlight some product that we already carry or one that we’ve taken note of and plan to carry in the near future. Likewise, if you would like to see Klein’s to carry a product that we don’t currently, please let us know. Our goal is to be responsive to the marketplace and to our loyal clientele. If a product fits into our profile, we will make every effort to get it into our store. In addition, we may be able to special order an item for you, whether plant or hard good, given enough time.


Mad Mats® from Mariachi Imports


Klein’s is excited to be carrying a new line of outdoor weather-proof rugs from Mad Mats® in a wide assortment of sizes, colors and patterns.


About Mad Mats®
All of our products are made or finished by hand – people producing artful works with incredible care and pride. That also means that no two products will be exactly alike, and that there will be some imperfections. That is the beauty of hand-made products.
We adhere to best fair trade and environmental practices. We treat the people who make our products, regardless of where they are in the world, as we ourselves expect to be treated. Equally important, we strive to minimize our environmental footprint both through the materials we use and our production processes.


As an example, our outdoor rugs are made from the highest quality, 100% recycled polypropylene (plastic milk jugs, containers, etc.) enriched with state-of-the-art colorants and UV protectors. Our brooms are manufactured from 100% renewable sorghum and bamboo, and dyed with non-toxic colors. In short, we create beauty from materials that are land-fill bound or literally grow like weeds. Read more and see the pictures:
Mad Mats are made of 100% recycled polypropylene with a polyester/nylon ribbon.


Mariachi Imports has been developing innovative household products since 1994 when we first brought handcrafted, lead-free tableware to the U.S. from Mexico. Ten years ago we designed and started to produce the phenomenally successful Sweep Dreams broom line of working designer brooms in Thailand. This was quickly followed by the introduction of Mad Mats®, the best-made line of outdoor rugs on the planet – indispensable for carefree outdoor living.


Founders Amy Kimmich and Maury Letven have always looked for the design potential in otherwise mundane household products. Both graduated from the Philadelphia College of Art, and apply their creative training to all aspects of their business and product lines.


At the same time, Mariachi is dedicated to producing environmentally and socially responsible products. “We are passionate about two things “says Amy, “One, the environment, and two, fairness in the work place. It is essential to us to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. It means tighter margins for us, but it’s always worth it. In fact, we have found that incorporating this principle into the structure of all our operations is rewarding in a way that extra dollars could never be.” In the end, it’s actually pretty easy to do the right thing.



NOTES FROM MY GARDEN JOURNAL–Tips and Observations from My Own Garden by Rick Halbach


ENTRY: MAY 24, 2018 (Some Like It Hot)
Planted up the ‘corner bed’ this morning! By ‘corner bed’ I mean a small island flower bed on city property at the crossroad of two city streets, the city sidewalk and my driveway. This bed is located in the harshest of worlds. The heat off of all the concrete and asphalt surrounding it can be intolerable—yet I’ve filled it with annuals that thrive in these unbearable conditions. Because the bed is in a heavily travelled location (by both foot and motor traffic), the plants I’ve chosen are nearly indestructible.


Back in the day, before the city redid my street with updated utilities and curbs, etc., I hadn’t thought much about putting a flower bed in this improbable location. However, given the fact I was essentially handed a new raised flower bed, I took on the challenge of removing the newly planted grass and the horribly rocky soil they had backfilled into the space from the street project. I added fresh topsoil and amended it heavily with peat moss and compost (and continued to do so for a few years following).


Once ready to plant, plant choice became the next obstacle. It took a few years of mistakes and failures to come up with my current mix of annuals. At first I accidentally chose plants that simply couldn’t survive in that hot location. I knew I wanted all-season colorful annuals and not perennials for that location. The ‘Wow Factor’ as people drive down my busy street was important. One season I put in plants that grew too tall. Because I live on a corner, the city received complaints from drivers that my plants obstructed their vision when stopped at the side street. The city said I had to make different choices in my plantings.


Again, because the bed’s on city property (and on a corner) it gets walked on and even driven on as large vehicles round the corner. The plants are vulnerable to destruction or even thievery from passers-bye. A number of years back, the entire bed washed away in a heavy deluge and had to be not only replanted, but completely refilled with soil!


Therefore, I’ve chosen plants that grow low, can get walked or driven on, seem relatively undesirable to the passer-by, help anchor the soil in case of heavy rains and love it super-hot.


At the front of the bed, I’ve placed a dense planting of Proven Winners’ Superbena verbena in a mix of colors. These plants grow very low to the ground and relish the heat. They root out wherever the stems touch the soil; helping hold the soil in place. Behind these impressive bloomers is an array of lantana and salvias. For height, these are backed by purple fountain grass and verbena bonariensis (stick verbena). A few rudbeckias punctuate the bed in sunny yellow. This now tried-and-true combination has proven both eye-catching and extremely durable; performing well until season’s end.


* * * * *


ENTRY: MAY 25, 2018 (A Bed of Sage)
Before my late shift at work today I had the chance to spend the entire morning in the garden catching up on this very late planting season. I tilled and planted the cut flower bed along the south side of the garage; filled with oodles of tall zinnias, cosmos, sunflowers, cutting ageratum, annual coreopsis, rudbeckia and tall cutting marigolds. I also had time to till and plant one of my favorite garden beds–the salvia bed. Because salvias/sages are some of my favorite flowers, I devote an entire bed to them in the front yard where just weeks ago over 150 pink tulips filled the space.


Why a bed of sage? My number one reason, of course, is the number of hummingbirds they draw to the garden. Whether red, blue, white or coral, there are few plants in the garden that lure in hummingbirds more than salvias. At times in late summer hummingbirds visit nearly nonstop, often fighting each other over the salvia nectar. As a child I used to enjoy that single drop of sweet nectar from the red salvia blooms that lined my grandmother’s flower beds.


Secondly, I love the scented foliage. Each and every species of salvia has its own unique scent. A favorite, of course, is the pineapple sage. Its foliage truly smells like pineapple. I especially like the very showy ‘Golden Delicious’ pineapple sage whose chartreuse foliage is a standout in the salvia bed.


And finally, I like the salvias for their diversity in flower form, color and plant structure. Salvia guaranitica ‘Purple Majesty’ grows to over 5’ feet and fills the back of the bed. Salvia guaranitica ‘Argentine Skies’ has blossoms of the purest cobalt blue. The loose appearance of Salvia ‘Hot Lips’ gives the bed an informal, wildflower feel. Salvia coccinea ‘Brenthurst’s peach and white blooms add a soothing color to the mix. And Salvia splendens ‘Park’s Lighthouse Whopper’ adds that gaudy red that I remember from grandmother’s garden of the 1960’s–along with that delectable drop of nectar!


* * * * *


ENTRY: MAY 29, 2018 (Tips for Keeping Pots Adequately Moist)
Given the fact the last four days saw highs in the nineties (and three record highs), I’m reminded that summer is just around the corner and along with it comes the near daily watering of my hundreds of potted plants. In going through some old emails I came across this customer question from 2008 and I felt it appropriate to share it now before we move into hotter weather ahead.


“I watered my petunias baskets before I went to work this morning and they were wilted by the time I got home . Am I doing something wrong? Do I really need to water twice a day?”


“In short, if the weather is warm and sunny, your baskets are located in full sun (like they should be) and your plants are healthy and vigorous, you may need to water containers and hanging baskets twice a day. This is especially true if it is windy or if your containers have been allowed to dry out so much that water is no longer penetrating the soil, but simply running through the pots. Watering is one of the joys and necessities of gardening. Perhaps it’s the time to take a moment and enjoy the sights and scents of gardening.


There are a few things you can do to make the task easier:
–Keep water close at hand. If it’s impractical to keep a hose close by, keep a filled watering can near the plants that dry out fastest.
–Keep your plants accessible. If you have plants that dry out often, place them where they can be easily checked and watered, rather than out of reach.
–Use a saucer during the hottest of weather. As a rule of thumb, plants should not sit in a pool of water. The exception is during hot, windy weather when many plants are happy to have the extra water at hand. Make sure your hanging baskets have a large, built in reservoir. Moss baskets dry out exceptionally fast.
–Use the proper potting soil. Use a soil with an adequate amount of peat moss. Cheap potting soils often times turn to brick when allowed to dry out. Add water retentive granules if desired to your potting mixes.
–Use a drip system with a timer. This is usually overkill in Wisconsin with our frequent summer downpours. But during dry spells or while on vacation, they can be a godsend.
–Learn to enjoy this extra time with your plants!!


Keep in mind that you need to check that your plants are dry to the touch before watering too often. Many plants simply wilt on sunny afternoons whether they need to be watered or not. They will usually perk up once the sun lowers in the sky.


KLEIN’S RECIPES OF THE MONTHThese are a selection of relatively simple recipes chosen by our staff. New recipes appear monthly. Enjoy!!


The parsley debate rages on . . . probably due to single-handedly to Martha Stewart’s TV show back in the day. She insisted upon only flat-leafed Italian parsley in her recipes.


Should one use flat leafed Italian or curly leafed parsley in a recipe? Truth is, there is no correct answer!! Which to use is simply personal preference. While to many cooks the flat leafed Italian is the only choice with it’s well-rounded and milder parsley flavor, the curly leafed variety gives recipes a stronger and tangier parsley flavor and the plant looks far prettier in the garden! In fact, the curly leafed variety makes a lovely accent plant when added to mixed annual containers. Both are beloved host plants to swallowtail butterfly caterpillars; as are all members of the carrot family.


Parsley is a biennial; producing foliage the first season and flowering in the second. Though as any gardener knows, under certain stressful conditions, parsley will flower during the first season, producing a bitter and somewhat woody plant. Parsley is equally at home in containers and in beds. This native to the Mediterranean prefers full sun and rich and moist soil to perform at its best. Parsley is very, very healthy and is high in both vitamins A and C. It also contains high amounts of minerals, especially iron.


Parsley is delicious fresh on green salads or stirred into pasta salads. It adds color and flavor to cooked recipes, but must be added during the last few minutes of cooking to maintain color and texture. And as we Wisconsinites well know from our supper club visits, parsley is the king of garnishes on steaks, prime rib, fish or on relish platters.


A Tip: An easy and not so messy way to chop parsley (and almost any herb) is to place the parsley in a glass measuring cup and snip it with a pair of scissors or kitchen sheers until desired size is reached.


PARSLEY SAUCE FOR GRILLED STEAK— Made for an Oscar night get together, one of our employees raves about its simplicity and flavor.
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 cup loose packed parsley
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 TBS. water
Salt & pepper to taste


In a blender or small processor, puree the garlic, parsley, oil and water until smooth. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Makes about 1/2 cup.


PARSLEY WALNUT PESTO — This extremely versatile recipe from the April 2008 issue of Cooking Light magazine is delicious on cooked salmon or chicken or simply stirred into pasta, rice or soups.
3 cups loose packed parsley
1/2 cup chopped and toasted walnuts
3 TBS. extra virgin olive oil
1 TBS. lemon juice
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
3 cloves garlic, chopped


Combine all ingredients in a processor or blender and combine until smooth, scraping the sides as necessary. This recipe freezes well so it’s a great way to use up a lot of parsley and have during the winter months.


PARSLEY PASTA SAUCE–A rich and flavorful sauce that is similar to a creamy pesto. Another great recipe from From Asparagus to Zucchini: A Guide to Farm-Fresh Seasonal Produce.
1 lb cooked pasta
1 cup+ packed chopped parsley
1/4 cup olive oil
2 tsp. dried basil
1 1/2 tsp. dried marjoram
1 tsp. dried oregano
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cloves garlic
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 cup sour cream
1/4 cup grated parmesan
Sunflower seeds


While cooking the pasta, prep the sauce. In a processor, process the parsley, oil, basil, marjoram, oregano, salt, garlic and pepper until the parsley is finely chopped. Add the sour cream and the parmesan and puree. Place the mix in a saucepan and heat until it is almost, but not quite boiling. Serve over hot pasta and sprinkle with sunflower seeds.
Serves 8.


TABOULEH–This classic Middle Eastern salad uses parsley as one of it’s main ingredients. There are many recipes to be found, but this one from Jane Brody’s Good Food Book remains a favorite of ours.
For the salad:
1 cup bulgur
2 cups boiling water
2 tomatoes, finely diced
1 bunch green onions, finely chopped
1 cup finely chopped parsley
3 TBS. chopped mint (or 2 tsp. dried if fresh isn’t available)


For the dressing:
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice
2 TBS. extra virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/4 tsp. dried oregano
1/4 tsp. ground cumin
a dash of allspice (optional)
a dash of coriander (optional)


In a bowl, soak the bulgur in the boiling water for 1 hour. Drain the bulgur well, pressing out the excess water through a fine sieve or cheese cloth. In a bowl, combine the bulgur, tomatoes, green onions, parsley and mint. Whisk together the dressing ingredients in a small bowl. About an hour or less before serving, add the dressing to the bulgur mix and toss to coat the ingredients thoroughly. Serves 6-8.


COUSCOUS SALAD–Reprinted from the couscous package. Tastes like a very mild tabouleh. Prepare the dressing and toss with the following ingredients in a large bowl.
3 cups prepared couscous (12 oz. dry)
9 green onions, chopped
3 medium tomatoes, chopped
1 large cucumber, seeded and chopped
3/4 cup garbanzo beans, drained and rinsed
1 1/2 cup chopped fresh parsley


For the dressing:
1 cup extra virgin olive oil
3 cloves minced garlic
1 1/2 tsp. Dijon mustard
1 1/2 tsp. ground coriander
1 1/2 tsp salt
Fresh ground black pepper to taste


Serves 10-12




Gardening Health and Safety Tips
Gardening can be a great way to enjoy the outdoors, get physical activity, beautify the community, and grow nutritious fruits and vegetables. If you are a beginner or expert gardener, health and safety should always be a priority.


Below are some tips to help keep you safe and healthy so that you can enjoy the beauty and bounty gardening can bring.


1. Dress to protect:
Gear up to protect yourself from lawn and garden pests, harmful chemicals, sharp or motorized equipment, insects, and harmful rays of too much sun.


—Wear safety goggles, sturdy shoes, and long pants to prevent injury when using power tools and equipment.
—Protect your hearing when using machinery. If you have to raise your voice to talk to someone who is an arm’s length away, the noise can be potentially harmful to your hearing.
—Wear gloves to lower the risk for skin irritations, cuts, and certain contaminants.
—Use insect repellent containing DEET. Protect yourself from diseases caused by mosquitoes and ticks. Wear long-sleeved shirts, and pants tucked in your socks. You may also want to wear high rubber boots since ticks are usually located close to the ground.
—Lower your risk for sunburn and skin cancer. Wear long sleeves, wide-brimmed hats, sun shades, and sunscreen with sun protective factor (SPF) 15 or higher.


2. Put safety first:
Powered and unpowered tools and equipment can cause serious injury. Limit distractions, use chemicals and equipment properly, and be aware of hazards to lower your risk for injury.


—Follow instructions and warning labels on chemicals and lawn and garden equipment.
—Make sure equipment is working properly.
—Sharpen tools carefully.
—Keep harmful chemicals, tools, and equipment out of children’s reach.


3. Know your limits in the heat:
Even being out for short periods of time in high temperatures can cause serious health problems. Monitor your activities and time in the sun to lower your risk for heat-related illness.


—If you’re outside in hot weather for most of the day you’ll need to make an effort to drink more fluids.
—Avoid drinking liquids that contain alcohol or large amounts of sugar, especially in the heat.
—Take breaks often. Try to rest in shaded areas so that your body’s thermostat will have a chance to recover. Stop working if you experience breathlessness or muscle soreness.
—Pay attention to signs of heat-related illness, including extremely high body temperature, headache, rapid pulse, dizziness, nausea, confusion, or unconsciousness.
—Watch people who are at higher risk for heat-related illness, including infants and children up to four years of age; people 65 years of age or older; people who are overweight; people who push themselves too hard during work or exercise; and people who are physically ill or who take certain medications (i.e. for depression, insomnia, or poor circulation).
—Eat healthy foods to help keep you energized.


4. Tips for persons with disabilities and physical activity:
Talk to your health care provider if you have physical, mental, or environmental concerns that may impair your ability to work in the garden safely.


—If you have arthritis, use tools that are easy to grasp and that fit your ability. Research shows that 2½ hours per week of moderate physical activity can give you more energy and can help relieve arthritis pain and stiffness.
—If you are taking medications that may make you drowsy or impair your judgment or reaction time, don’t operate machinery, climb ladders, or do activities that may increase your risk for injury.
—Listen to your body. Monitor your heart rate, level of fatigue, and physical discomfort.
—Call 911 if you get injured, experience chest and arm pain, dizziness, lightheadedness, or heat-related illness.


5. Enjoy the benefits of physical activity:
Gardening is an excellent way to get physical activity. Active people are less likely than inactive people to be obese or have high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, depression, colon cancer, and premature death.


—Be active for at least 2½ hours a week. Include activities that raise your breathing and heart rates and that strengthen your muscles. Help kids and teens be active for at least 1 hour a day.
—If you have been inactive, start out with just a few minutes of physical activity each day. Gradually build up time and intensity.
—Vary your gardening activities to keep your interest and to broaden the range of benefits.


6. Get vaccinated:
Vaccinations can prevent many diseases and save lives. All adults should get a tetanus vaccination every 10 years. Tetanus lives in the soil and enters the body through breaks in the skin. Because gardeners use sharp tools, dig in the dirt, and handle plants with sharp points, they are particularly prone to tetanus infections.


—Before you start gardening this season, make sure your tetanus/diphtheria (Td) vaccination is up to date.
—Ask your health care provider if you need any other vaccinations.




Lantana (Lantana camara)
This old-fashioned mint relative has made a major resurgence among younger gardeners in recent years and why not? This nearly foolproof annual is fragrant, drought tolerant, nearly pest-free outdoors and super easy to grow. It blooms nearly nonstop, loves summer heat, attracts butterflies and hummingbirds, is well-branched, remains of manageable size and on top of it, is easy to winter over indoors. What more could one ask of any garden plant?


In the early 90’s, Klein’s carried perhaps a color or two. However, during the 2018 spring season we’ve carried a staggering 17 lantana varieties and colors in addition to shrubs and tree standards.


Lantana performs equally well in beds, pots and in hanging baskets. A few Klein’s employees say that lantana is their favorite garden plant and in store, it’s hard not to walk by without stopping and taking in lantana’s intense fragrance.


Lantana camara is a tropical and subtropical shrub. In those areas it is commonly grown as a perennial landscape plant. Here in the north, lantana is grown exclusively as an annual outdoors, but will bloom indoors all winter long if given a high light location. As the plant matures, stems become increasingly woody.


Flowers are verbena-like and appear in shades of yellow, orange, red, pink, white and lavender. The foliage is heavily scented and very rough. In fact, many people break out in a rash when handling the foliage so care should be taken if unsure. Habit tends to be mounding or sprawling, though weeping types exist and common varieties can easily be trained into a tree standard.


Lantana blooms best when somewhat neglected and when grown in lean soil and always in full hot sun. Container grown plants require thorough and frequent watering. Though drought tolerant, lantana prefers to be kept evenly moist. Plants eventually produce black berries which, though toxic to humans, are a favorite of many birds, especially blue jays. Pests to lantana most commonly include whiteflies, spider mites and mealy bugs. It’s best to prune a plant back hard at season’s end to avoid bringing these pests indoors and then treating overwintered plants once a month the a systemic pesticide.


For neighborhood events or garden tours that you would like posted in our monthly newsletter, please contact Rick at (608) 244-5661 or rick@kleinsfloral.com or Sue at sue@kleinsfloral.com. Please include all details, i.e. dates, locations, prices, brief description, etc. Events must be garden related and must take place in the Madison vicinity and we must receive your information by the first of the month in which the event takes place for it to appear in that month’s newsletter.


Guided Garden Strolls
Sundays, May 6 thru October 14, 1:30-3:00


Get an insider’s view of Olbrich’s outdoor gardens during a free guided garden stroll. All ages are welcome for this casual overview of the Gardens. Guided garden strolls will vary somewhat according to the season to reflect the garden areas that are at peak interest.


Strolls start and end in the lobby near the Garden entrance and are about 45 to 60 minutes in length. No registration is required; strolls are drop-in only. Strolls are held rain or shine and will be cancelled only in the event of dangerous lightning.


Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Ave., Madison
608/246-4550 or www.olbrich.org for details.


Iris Show
Sunday, June 3, 12:30-5:00


The Madison Area Iris Society sponsors this show of iris rhizomes, the roots that grow into iris plants. For more information call 608/271-3607


Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Ave., Madison
608/246-4550 or www.olbrich.org for details.


Wild Food/Wild Medicine Walkabout
Saturday, June 9, 10:00-12:00
Location: 4864 Pheasant Branch Conservancy Springs, Middleton


Instructor: Linda Conroy
Fee: $20 for Owners; $30 for non-owners


Join herbalist and forager Linda Conroy to explore the wild plants that grow around us. We will learn about common and uncommon wild plants that can be used for food and medicine. Identification techniques, as well as ways to prepare plants for optimal nutrition and healing, will be discussed. Dress appropriately for the weather and wear comfortable walking shoes. This class will take place at Pheasant Branch Conservancy, 4864 Pheasant Branch Road, Middleton. Meet in the Conservancy parking lot; the tour leaves promptly at 10:00am.


Payment is required at registration; please register by stopping at the Willy West Customer Service desk or by calling 608-284-7800.


Willy Street Co-op West
6825 University Ave.
Middleton, WI 53562
(608) 284-7800


Herb Day
Sunday, June 10, 10:00-4:00
Free Admission


Bring your kids, friends and family and come celebrate medicinal herbs and plants with us! Free classes indoors and herb walks in the garden are featured all day. Shop the Herbal Marketplace between your chosen events for herbal teas, tinctures, salves, soaps, plants and books. Free admission for everyone! Rain or Shine!


Presented by Madison Herbal Institute and the Madison Chapter of the American Herbalist Guild For more information contact Kate McFeeley at kkmcfeeley@gmail.com


Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Ave., Madison
608/246-4550 or www.olbrich.org for details.


Woodland, Savanna, and Prairie Gardens
Wednesday, June 13, 7:00 p.m.
Native Plant Garden Tour


Celebrate late spring by visiting our woodland, savanna, and prairie gardens. This tour, led by Arboretum native plant gardener Susan Carpenter, provides an overview of the Wisconsin Native Plant Garden. Meet at the Visitor Center.


University of WI Arboretum
1207 Seminole Hwy.
Madison, WI 53711
608/263-7888 or arboretum.wisc.edu


Rhapsody in Bloom: Ebb & Flow
Saturday, June 16, 6:00-11:00
One of Olbrich Garden’s biggest fundraisers.
Reservations available online until June 7 @ e.givesmart.com/events/6XP/


Water is liquid; it is ever changing. When heated it becomes steam, when cooled it becomes ice. Water takes many forms; it ebbs and flows with powerful promise, creates curiosity with liquid motion and sometimes, it’s simply a beautiful hue of blue.


Rhapsody in Bloom, Olbrich Botanical Gardens’ annual outdoor garden party, will be filled to the brim with the fluid fun of mermaid acrobats, remote control speed boat racing and more!


5:30 – 7 p.m.
Special VIP reception in the Sunken Garden. Treat yourself and (7) other guests to complimentary beverages, passed hors d’oeuvres, and a VIP-exlusive live performance. See VIP reservation details below!


6 – 8 p.m.
Stroll the Gardens and enjoy live performers, music and games of fluid fun! Starting at 6:30, savor seasonal Midwestern fare with seaside flare prepared by Underground Catering, a part of Jonny Hunter’s award-winning Underground Food Collective.


Bid on one-of-a-kind items and packages in our Mobile Auction until 9 p.m. or bid in the Live Auction at 8 p.m.


Note: Anyone can bid in the Mobile Auction – even if you’re not attending the event! See the items & packages once they’re posted @ e.givesmart.com/events/6XP/i/


8 – 11 p.m.
As the sun sets, bust a move on the dance floor, explore the Gardens after dark, and enjoy late night snacks from Underground Catering.


Themed Attire Encouraged!
Make a splash in watery hues of blue or embrace your inner sea captain with nautical stripes and anchor accessories!


Full Experience Reservations (6:00-11:00 p.m.) at $95 /person
Includes: Seasonal Midwestern fare served at food stations on the Great Lawn, live entertainment, snacks & sweets from Underground, and late night dance party.


Late Night Reservation (8:00-11:00 p.m.) at $55 /person
Includes: Snacks & sweets from Underground and late night dance party.


Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Ave., Madison
608/246-4550 or www.olbrich.org for details.


Madison Rose Society Rose Show (Cancelled)
Sunday, June 17, 12:00-4:00
Free Admission


Unfortunately, the Madison Rose Society was forced to cancel its 2018 show due to late winter weather affecting growing conditions.


The Madison Rose Society hosts this indoor exhibit of cut roses and arrangements in all sizes and colors. Members of the Rose Society will be available to answer questions. Stroll through Olbrich’s two acre Rose Garden. For more info call 608-634-2146.


Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Ave., Madison
608/246-4550 or www.olbrich.org for details.


2018 Summer Concert Series at Olbrich Gardens
Enjoy the summer evening with a concert on the Great Lawn of Olbrich’s outdoor gardens. A wide variety of music is highlighted, including jazz, folk, honky-tonk, and much more. Olbrich’s Summer concerts are Tuesdays, June 19 – August 14 at 7 p.m. with special performances August 1 and August 8. A $2 admission donation is suggested.


Olbrich Concerts in the Gardens 2018 Schedule:
(All concerts are on Tuesdays at 7 p.m.)


June 19
Caravan Gypsy Swing Ensemble—Hot Gypsy Jazz


June 26
Trapper Schoepp—Folk Rock/Story Songs


July 3
Wisconsin Youth Symphony Orchestra


July 10
Listening Party—Folk Rock/Americana


July 17
The North Westerns—Western Swing & Classic Country


July 24
Josh Harty—Americana/Alt-Country


July 31
Axtell—Argentine-American Folk/Soul


August 7
Madison Public Library’s Summer Reading Club Concert feat. Jack & Kitty—Vaudeville Jug Band


August 14
Fresco Opera-Opera Made Fresh. Live opera performances in different locations throughout the Gardens. Stand and stroll concert viewing; no seating provided.


Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Ave., Madison
608/246-4550 or www.olbrich.org for details.


What’s Blooming?
Wednesday, June 20, 7:00 p.m.
Native Plant Garden Tour


Join Susan Carpenter, Arboretum native plant gardener, to find, compare, and learn about flowers on native trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants. Meet at the Visitor Center.


University of WI Arboretum
1207 Seminole Hwy.
Madison, WI 53711
608/263-7888 or arboretum.wisc.edu


Taliesin Garden Tour: Daylilies
Friday, June 22, 6:00 p.m.
Frank Lloyd Wright Visitor Center, Spring Green 5607 Hwy. C , Spring Green, Wisconsin 53588


Join us for this early evening stroll through the spectacular gardens of Taliesin. Learn about Frank Lloyd Wright’s relationship to nature beginning with a 10 minute drive through the 800 estate.


The tour continues with a guided look of the gardens surrounding Frank Lloyd Wright’s home. Enjoy views of the unique and dramatic Driftless Area while discussing topics tailored to your interests in horticulture or the natural landscape with your guide and fellow guests. Finish your evening enjoying hors d’oeuvres and drinks in the garden courtyard, relaxing and taking inspiration from the Frank Lloyd Wright curated flowers and breathtaking views.


Adults (Ages 21 & up): $50


Sauk Prairie Garden Tour
Saturday, June 23, 9:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Departure from River Arts on Water (590 Water St, Prairie du Sac)


Join us on a wonderful tour through the Sauk Prairie rural area. We will meet at River Arts on Water Gallery (590 Water Street in downtown Prairie du Sac, WI) at 9am. Then, climb onboard our comfy coach bus, sit back, and relax as we take you to 6 gardens with a quick stop at 1 little known Dane County Park. Boxed lunch (catered by Blue Spoon Café) is included with your ticket and will be enjoyed at the beautiful Wollersheim Winery. We will return to River Arts on Water at 3pm after a full day of garden fun!


Tickets are $50. Deadline to register for the bus tour @ app.arts-people.com/index.php?show=85073 is Wednesday, June 20th at 5pm.
*Some snacks and water will be provided throughout the day, but please plan ahead if you have special dietary needs.


Self-Guided Tour: You can also purchase a ticket to view the gardens on your own, at your own pace between 9am-3pm. Your ticket will include a map with admission to 6 gardens and 1 little known Dane County Park. Tickets are $10 in advance and $12 day of event.


For more information visit: www.riverartsinc.org/garden/


2018 Summer Sundays: Concerts in the Garden at Allen Centennial Garden
Add a little bit of musical enjoyment to your Sunday afternoons this summer with Summer Sundays: Concerts in the Garden. This concert series will feature some of the best musical groups in Madison ranging from classical to jazz chamber music. The concerts will be held alternating Sunday afternoons starting June 24 and ending September 16, from 5-6:15 p.m.


This event is free and open to the public. Brought to you by the Friends of Allen Centennial Garden.


June 24
Performance by Golpe Tierra
The irresistible acoustic groove of Golpe Tierra kicks off Summer Sundays 2018! Nick Moran, Juan Tomas Martinez, Tony Barba, and Richard Hildner make up this guerrilla-style ensemble, employing the traditional Afro-Peruvian guitar-bass-cajón set-up. The group embarks on a musical journey throughout Latin-America, flirting with blues, jazz, and shades of soul. This uniquely-presented original and traditional music is sure to get you out of your seat to dance!


July 8
Performance by Carolynn Schwartz Black / Cliff Frederiksen Quartet
Vocalist Carolynn Schwartz Black backed by Madison jazz veterans Cliff Frederiksen (guitar), John Widdicombe (bass), Todd Phipps (keyboards) and Geoff Brady (percussion). With more than twenty years of experience, her unique voice and her band’s seamless quality spins up a soulful serenade of jazz standards


July 22
Performance by Latin Jazz with Tommy Mattioli
Vibe virtuoso and Madison native Tommy Mattioli, now a gigging musician living in New York, returns as guest artist to perform with a stellar band of locals to offer a sizzling set of steamy and evocative Latin jazz.


August 5
Performance by Johannes Wallmann Quartet
Dr. Johannes Wallmann, Director of Jazz Studies at UW-Madison, leads a quartet of top-notch artists to offer up high-energy, imaginative, and infectious original compositions.


August 19
Performance by Michael BB Quartet
One of Madison’s most versatile keyboardists (jazz, blues, rock, funk, salsa, big band, and classical), Michael BB assembles here a classic quartet of keyboards, horns, bass & drums offering a joyously spirited high-energy read of jazz standards from The Great American Songbook, together with some original compositions, in music that is infectiously cheerful and optimistic.


September 2
Performance by The Stellanovas
“Cafe jazz” by the Stellanovas-intimate, swinging, original, dynamic music accompanied by unique instrumentation: violin, accordion, cello, ukulele, Hawaiian guitar, drums, electric guitar, and vocals. Expect a straight-ahead set of swinging vintage and original jazz, offering sweet melodies and swing rhythms. Chris Wagoner, Mary Gaines, Doug Brown, and Erik Radloff.


September 16
Performance by J Clocks in Motion
Hailed as “nothing short of remarkable” and “the most exciting addition to Madison’s classical music scene,” this percussion quartet performs new music, builds many of its own instruments, and breaks down the boundaries of the traditional concert program, serving up virtuosic performances that include theater and art, consistently offering a joyous entertainment experience.


Allen Centennial Gardens
620 Babcock Dr. on the University of WI campus, Madison
608/576-2501 or allencentennialgarden.org for details.


A Wisconsin Prairie
Sunday, June 24, 1:30-3:30
Family Nature Program


Many flowers are blooming on our Wisconsin prairies in late June. Walk through the world-renowned Curtis Prairie and learn more about flowering prairie plants. Naturalist-led hike, 1:30–2:30 p.m., indoor activities, 2:30–3:30 p.m. Free, no registration required. Meet at the Visitor Center.


University of WI Arboretum
1207 Seminole Hwy.
Madison, WI 53711
608/263-7888 or arboretum.wisc.edu


Rotary Garden’s Botanic Talk: Square Foot & Raised Beds Gardening
Tuesday, June 26, 6:30-8:00 p.m


With Lisa Johnson from the UW-Extension


Square-foot gardening has been around since the 1970’s. Mel Bartholomew wrote the original square-foot gardening book and now has a new version out which is just as popular as the first one. This is a simple system based on 4-foot by 4-foot raised beds divided into simple one- foot square grids that are raised from the ground.


Lisa Johnson, a certified Master Gardener Volunteer from the Dane County UW-Extension will give you ideas for creating your own square-foot gardening beds, a recipe for square -foot garden soil, selecting and growing your plants and successfully harvesting your crops.


You will also hear techniques for raised bed gardening and types of raised bed gardens, like the pizza garden, that is popular with kids.
Cost: $7 General Admission, $5 RBG Members; includes printed and note taking materials (where applicable), admission to Rotary Botanical Gardens, and light refreshments. Tickets to this event may be purchased at the door, or online, in advance.


Rotary Botanical Gardens
1455 Palmer Drive
Janesville, WI


Dane County Farmer’s Market
Saturdays, April 14 thru November 10, 6:15-1:45
On the Capitol Square


Wednesdays, April 18 thru November 7, 8:30-1:45
In the 200 block of Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.


For details visit www.dcfm.org


Northside Farmers Market
Sundays, May 6 through October 21, 8:30-12:30
In the Northside TownCenter at the intersection of N. Sherman Ave. and Northport Dr. across from Warner Park.


The Northside Farmers Market is a nonprofit community enterprise. It is one of the newest and fastest growing farmers’ markets in Dane County. In keeping with the innovative spirit of Madison’s Northside, we are surpassing what defines the traditional farmers’ market. Our fundamental principles include:


–Providing an abundant selection of high quality, locally grown foods.
The market accepts Quest, WIC and Senior FMNP vouchers.


–Supporting our local agricultural entrepreneurs who are increasingly important today in ensuring that we have the best and safest food possible.


–Educating the community about traditional foods and the history of local agriculture in an attempt to preserve (and expand upon) our rich heritage.


–Promoting nutrition and the market by hosting dinners for neighborhood groups and seniors.


Parking is always FREE!



JUNE IN THE GARDENA checklist of things to do this month.
___By early June, finish planting all annuals and vegetables.
___By early June, move all houseplants out that spend the summer outdoors.
___In early June give all beds a thorough weeding for easier follow-up.
___June is a great month to plant perennials, trees and shrubs.
___Prune evergreens.
___Prune hard any spring flowering shrubs like forsythia, quince, etc.
___Mulch beds to conserve moisture and keep down weeds.
___Begin deadheading spent blooms as needed.
___Remove yellowed foliage of spring tulips, daffodils, etc.
___Begin staking and supporting tall plants as needed.
___Begin your fertilizing regimen. Regular fertilizing makes for healthy plants.
___Order spring bulbs from catalogs while your memory is still fresh.
___Keep and eye on the weather. Water as needed.
___Watch for pests and control as needed or desired.
___Begin seeding cole crops for fall harvest. Also sow pansies and wallflowers.
___Pinch hardy mums until July 4 for bushier less floppy plants.
___Visit Klein’s—Watch for end of season savings on annuals and perennials.


Some of our very favorite seed and plant sources include:


For seeds:
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds @ www.rareseeds.com or 417/924-8887
Burpee @ www.burpee.com or 800/888-1447
Harris Seeds @ www.harrisseeds.com or 800/514-4441
Johnny’s Select Seeds @ www.johnnyseeds.com or 207/861-3901
Jung’s Seeds @ www.jungseed.com or 800/247-5864
Park’s Seeds @ www.parkseed.com or 800/845-3369
Pinetree @ www.superseeds.com or 207/926-3400
Seeds of Change @ www.seedsofchange.com or 888/762-7333
Seed Savers @ www.seedsavers.org or 563/382-5990
Select Seeds @ www.selectseeds.com or 800/684-0395
Territorial Seeds @ www.territorialseed.com or 888/657-3131
Thompson & Morgan @ www.thompson-morgan.com or 800/274-7333


For bulbs:
Brent & Becky’s Bulbs @ www.brentandbeckysbulbs.com or 877/661-2852
Colorblends @ www.colorblends.com or 888/847-8637
John Scheeper’s @ www.johnscheepers.com or 860/567-0838
McClure & Zimmerman @ www.mzbulb.com or 800/883-6998


For plants:
High Country Gardens @ www.highcountrygardens.com or 800/925-9387
Logee’s Greenhouses @ www.logees.com or 888/330-8038
Plant Delights Nursery @ www.plantdelights.com or 912/772-4794
Roots and Rhizomes @ www.rootsrhizomes.com or 800/374-5035
Wayside Gardens @ www.waysidegardens.com or 800/213-0379
White Flower Farm @ www.whiteflowerfarm.com or 800/503-9624


Note: To receive every possible seed, plant or garden supply catalog imaginable, check out Cyndi’s Catalog of Garden Catalogs @ www.gardenlist.com. Most catalogs are free and make for great winter reading!


BEHIND THE SCENES AT KLEIN’SThis is a sneak peek of what is going on each month behind the scenes in our greenhouses. Many people are unaware that our facility operates year round or that we have 10 more greenhouses on the property in addition to the 6 open for retail. At any given moment we already have a jump on the upcoming season–be it poinsettias in July, geraniums in December or fall mums in May.


—The back greenhouses are nearly empty of product. We’ve had another successful season. This is the time to plan for next spring–while our memories are still fresh: How can we improve in 2019? Which plants did we run out of too early? How was staffing?


—Watering is a nonstop endeavor. On hot, windy days, we no sooner finish the first round, when we have to start all over again. Some plants in our retail areas may need watering 3 or 4 times in a single day! You wouldn’t do this at home, but customers don’t like to see wilted plants. It’s not harmful for us to let them wilt a bit, but it makes for bad presentation.


—We continue to plant some annuals, hanging baskets and containers for summer sales. Our summer “Jumbo Pack” program is under way.


—Fall mums and asters are stepped up into larger tubs and containers for fall sales.


—We begin prepping some of the back greenhouses for the arrival of poinsettia plugs in just a few weeks.


—Our employees breathe a sigh of relief and spend some much needed downtime with family and friends.


Have our monthly newsletter e-mailed to you automatically by signing up on the right side of our home page. We’ll offer monthly tips, greenhouse news and tidbits, specials and recipes. . .everything you need to know from your favorite Madison greenhouse. And tell your friends. It’s easy to do.


THE MAD GARDENER–“Madison’s Firsthand Source for Expert Gardening Advice”
Ask us your gardening questions by e-mailing us at madgardener@kleinsfloral.com. Klein’s in-house Mad Gardener will e-mail you with an answer as promptly as we can. The link is posted on our home page and in all newsletters.


We can only answer those questions pertaining to gardening in Southern Wisconsin and we reserve the right to leave correspondence unanswered at our discretion. Please allow 2-3 days for a response.




Follow Klein’s on Facebook where we post updates and photos on a regular basis.


Join Klein’s on Twitter where we post company updates and photos on a regular basis.


We offer a 10% Off Senior Citizen Discount every Tuesday to those 62 and above. This discount is not in addition to other discounts or sales. Please mention that you are a senior before we ring up your purchases. Does not apply to wire out orders or services, i.e. delivery, potting, etc.


Plastic flower pots and garden edging can now be recycled as part of the City of Madison’s rigid plastic program. Flowerpots and edging must be free of dirt and can be placed in your green recycling bin. For more information call 267-2626 or visit www.cityofmadison.com/streets/recycling/plastic.cfm



Klein’s Floral and Greenhouses delivers daily, except Sundays, throughout all of Madison and much of Dane County including: Cottage Grove, DeForest, Fitchburg, Maple Bluff, Marshall, McFarland, Middleton, Monona, Oregon, Shorewood Hills, Sun Prairie, Verona, Waunakee and Windsor. We do not deliver to Cambridge, Columbus, Deerfield or Stoughton.

Current delivery rate on 1-4 items is $7.95 for Madison, Maple Bluff, Monona and Shorewood Hills; $8.95 for Cottage Grove, DeForest, Fitchburg, McFarland, Sun Prairie, Waunakee and Windsor; and $9.95 for Marshall, Middleton, Oregon and Verona. An additional $3.00 will be added for deliveries of 4-10 items and $5.00 added for deliveries of more than 10 items. For deliveries requiring more than one trip, a separate delivery charge will be added for each trip.


A minimum order of $25.00 is required for delivery.

We not only deliver our fabulous fresh flowers, but also houseplants, bedding plants and hardgoods. There may be an extra charge for very large or bulky items.

Delivery to the Madison hospitals is $5.95. Deliveries to the four Madison hospitals are made during the early afternoon. Items are delivered to the hospital’s volunteer rooms and not directly to the patients’ rooms per hospital rules.

There is no delivery charge for funerals in the city of Madison or Monona, although normal rates apply for morning funeral deliveries to Madison’s west side (west of Park St.). Our normal rates also apply for funeral deliveries in the surrounding communities at all times. Although we don’t deliver on Sundays, we will deliver funeral items on Sundays at the regular delivery rate.


Morning delivery is guaranteed to the following Madison zip codes, but only if requested: 53703, 53704, 53714, 53716, 53718 and Cottage Grove, DeForest, Maple Bluff, Marshall, McFarland, Monona, Sun Prairie, Waunakee and Windsor.

We begin our delivery day at 8:00 a.m. and end at approximately 3:00 p.m. We do not usually deliver after 4:00 unless specific exceptions are made with our drivers.

Except for holidays, the following west-side zip codes and communities are delivered only during the afternoon: 53705, 53706, 53711, 53713, 53717, 53719, 53726, Fitchburg, Middleton, Oregon, Shorewood Hills and Verona.

During holidays (Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc.) we are able to make morning deliveries to all of the above areas. We are not able to take closely timed deliveries on any holiday due to the sheer volume of such requests.

It’s best to give us a range of time and we’ll try our absolute hardest. Orders for same day delivery must be placed by 12:30 p.m. or by 2:30 p.m. for Madison zip codes 53704 and 53714.


DEPARTMENT HEADS: Please refer all questions, concerns or feedback in the following departments to their appropriate supervisor.
Phone: 608/244-5661 or 888/244-5661


Horticulturalist & General Manager–Jamie VandenWymelenberg jamie@kleinsfloral.com
Accounts, Billing and Purchasing—Kathryn Derauf kathryn@kleinsfloral.com
Delivery Supervisor & Newsletter Coordinator—Rick Halbach rick@kleinsfloral.com
Owner, Floral Designer & Purchasing—Sue Klein sue@kleinsfloral.com


University of Wisconsin Extension
1 Fen Oak Ct. #138
Madison, WI 53718


Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic
Dept. of Plant Pathology
1630 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706


Insect Diagnostic Lab
240 Russell Labs
1630 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706


U.W. Soil and Plant Analysis Lab
8452 Mineral Point Rd.
Verona, WI 53593


American Horticultural Society


Garden Catalogs (an extensive list with links)


Invasive Species


Community Groundworks
3601 Memorial Dr., Ste. 4
Madison, WI 53704


Madison Area Master Gardeners (MAMGA)


Wisconsin Master Gardeners Program
Department of Horticulture
1575 Linden Drive
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Madison, WI 53706


The Wisconsin Gardener


Allen Centennial Gardens
620 Babcock Dr.
Madison, WI 53706


Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Ave.
Madison, WI 53704


Rotary Gardens
1455 Palmer Dr.
Janesville, WI 53545


University of WI Arboretum
1207 Seminole Hwy.
Madison, WI 53711


University of Wisconsin-West Madison
Agricultural Research Center
8502 Mineral Point Rd.
Verona, WI 53593


Children may find the bright colors and different textures of plants irresistible, but some plants can be poisonous if touched or eaten. If you’re in doubt about whether or not a plant is poisonous, don’t keep it in your home. The risk is not worth it. The following list is not comprehensive, so be sure to seek out safety information on the plants in your home to be safe.
•Bird of paradise
•Bull nettle
•Castor bean
•Chinaberry tree
•Deadly nightshade
•Dieffenbachia (dumb cane)
•Glory lily
•Holly berry
•Indian tobacco
•Lily of the valley
•Mescal bean
•Morning glory
•Mountain laurel
•Night-blooming jasmine
•Poison ivy
•Poison sumac
•Water hemlock


Below is a list of some of the common plants which may produce a toxic reaction in animals. This list is intended only as a guide to plants which are generally identified as having the capability for producing a toxic reaction. Source: The National Humane Society website @ http://www.humanesociety.org/
•Autumn Crocus
•Black locust
•Carolina jessamine
•Castor bean
•Chinaberry tree
•Christmas berry
•Christmas Rose
•Common privet
•Corn cockle
•Cow cockle
•Day lily
•Delphinium (Larkspur)
•Dutchman’s breeches
•Easter lily
•Elephant’s ear
•English Ivy
•European Bittersweet
•Field peppergrass
•Horse nettle
•Jerusalem Cherry
•Lily of the valley
•Milk vetch
•Morning glory
•Poison hemlock
•Rosary pea
•Sago palm
•Skunk cabbage
•Star of Bethlehem
•Wild black cherry
•Wild radish
•Yellow jessamine