Did you know that if you buy both a plant and it’s new pot at Klein’s, we will pot it up for free and on the spot—time and staff permitting. That means no mess or hassle at home. Let Klein’s staff make it easy for you.
Klein’s has an amazing assortment of houseplants ranging from the smallest plants for terrariums and dish gardens, to tropical trees, to succulents and cactus and a huge assortment of air plants. Our knowledgeable staff will help select the perfect plant for any location and occasion, offering care tips and sound advice.
Obviously, if we are overly busy or understaffed, we may ask that you pick up your newly potted plants at a later convenient time.
Similarly, if your current houseplants have outgrown their pots, take advantage of Klein’s repotting services. Our repotting fees for existing plants are based on pot size and include soil and labor.
***Please note that this service is only available with houseplant purchases and not for seasonal bedding plant and tropical patio plant purchases where normal potting charges apply.