Our 2019 Spring Plant List Goes On-line About April 15
Extended Spring Hours Begin Saturday, April 27
Administrative Professionals Week is April 22-27
Klein’s Is Voted Among Madison’s Best by Madison Magazine
All About Easter Lilies
Madison’s Plethora of Farmers’ Markets Set to Begin!
Klein’s Favorite Seed, Bulb & Plant Sources
Seed Starting Basics for Maximum Success
Can Plants “Hear” Pollinators?
You Asked the Mad Gardener About Japanese Beetle Prevention
Plant of the Month: Osteospermum (African Daisy)
Klein’s Favorite Arugula Recipes
Product Spotlight: Handmade Skincare from SallyeAnder
Notes from Rick’s Garden Journal—From March 2019
—Don’t Procrastinate in Luring Orioles to Your Yard
—Spring Awakens!
—A Boost for Growing Healthy Legumes (Peas, Beans, etc.)
April in the Garden: A Planner
Gardening Events Around Town
OUR 2019 SPRING PLANT LIST can be viewed on-line beginning about April 15 by clicking on Spring Plants on the left side of our home page. This comprehensive listing contains every plant that Klein’s will be offering for the 2019 season and is extremely helpful for both the home gardener and landscaper alike. The list contains fun facts, cultural information and pot or pack size for each item and comes in very handy in planning your garden this spring.
KLEIN’S IS VOTED AMONG THE BEST OF MADISON according to Madison Magazine readers.
And for a second year in a row, Klein’s is among the Best of Madison in two categories! Klein’s Floral & Greenhouses was voted #2 Florist from among Madison’s many flower shops (Congrats to Darcy and her team!) and #3 in the Lawn, Garden & Landscape category in the 2019 Madison Magazine reader poll announced in late February. A big THANK YOU to our customers and Madison Magazine readers!
“Madison’s Firsthand Source for Expert Gardening Advice”
Ask any of your gardening questions by e-mailing them to us at Klein’s in-house
Mad Gardener will e-mail you with an answer as promptly as we can. We’ve also posted a link to this e-mail address on our home page for your convenience. Your question might then appear in the
“You Asked” feature of our monthly newsletter. If your question is the one selected for our monthly newsletter, you’ll receive a small gift from us at Klein’s. The
Mad Gardener hopes to hear from you soon!
Sorry, we can only answer those questions pertaining to gardening in Southern Wisconsin and we reserve the right to leave correspondence unanswered at our discretion. Please allow 2-3 days for a response.
Please note that our Mad Gardener is not only an expert gardener, but can answer all of your indoor plant questions as well.
FOR NEIGHBORHOOD EVENTS OR GARDEN TOURS that you would like posted on our web site or in our monthly newsletters, please contact Rick at (608) 244-5661 or Please include all details, i.e. dates, locations, prices, brief description, etc. Events must be garden related and must take place in the Madison area.
Monday thru Friday : 8:00-6:00
Saturday: 9:00-5:00
Sunday: 10:00-4:00
Extended Spring Hours Begin Saturday, April 27.
Monday thru Friday : 8:00-8:00
Tuesdays: 7:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
Saturday: 8:00-6:00
Sunday: 9:00-5:00
April 1—April Fool’s Day
April 13—
Succulent Workshop at Klein’s, 12:00 p.m. Join us for a succulent workshop at Klein’s and build your own custom creation. Green thumb not required! Our workshop starts with a discussion of cactus and succulents including care, planting tips, growth patterns, and the importance of using the correct soil. Everything you need will be available. Price: $30 and up, depending on materials used. Registration required by calling the store at 608-244-5661 or by emailing John at
April 13–First Farmers’ Market on the Capitol Square, 6:15-1:45. Madison’s Official Beginning of Spring!
April 14—Palm Sunday
April 15—Tax Day
April 19—Good Friday
April 19–Full Moon
April 20—Passover Begins
April 21—Easter Sunday. Open 10:00-4:00.
April 22–Earth Day
April 22–Beginning of Administrative Professionals Week. In appreciation to those people who make your life so much easier, have one of Klein’s talented designers create for you that perfect ‘Thank You.’ Nothing displays your appreciation better than a lovely bouquet of spring flowers or a cheerful blooming plant. Order early. This is one of Klein’s busiest delivery weeks.
April 24–Administrative Professionals Day
April 26–Arbor Day
April 27–First Day of Klein’s Extended Spring Hours. The days are longer and there’s lots to do in the garden. We make shopping easier to fit into your hectic schedule by offering extended retail hours from late April through much of June. Evenings are a great time to shop at Klein’s. The greenhouses are cooler and the lines are short. It makes for a more relaxed shopping experience and our staff is more available to answer all your gardening questions. See April Store Hours above for more details.
April 28—Orthodox Easter
May 10–This is Madison’s average last frost date, but keep your eye on the weather before planting. Madison has a notorious reputation for late May frosts. Many local old-time gardeners refuse to plant, especially their tomatoes, peppers, morning glories, etc. until Memorial Day weekend when the soil has warmed properly. Novice gardeners have a tendency to plant too early!
May 12–Mother’s Day. Order early and shop early!!! Mother’s Day is second only to Valentine’s Day for deliveries and the Saturday before Mother’s Day is traditionally our busiest day of the entire year. Extra drivers will be on the road Saturday, May 11 for prompt and efficient service. Click on
Delivery Information at the top of our home page for more details about Klein’s delivery.
Because this is our busiest day of the year in the greenhouse, will not be delivering on Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 12.
About Easter Lilies
Either you love them or you hate them! For some, Easter lilies evoke emotions of renewal and springtime. For others, the intense fragrance is far too strong, the bright yellow, stain inducing pollen annoying and the pure white flowers symbolize death. Regardless of your own personal take on the Easter lily, this age old indoor bloomer is both easy to care for and lovely in the garden for years to come.
Lilium longiflorum (Easter lilies) are native to southern Japan and Taiwan, but have a long association with the Easter season. The pure white blossoms have come to symbolize purity, innocence, life and hope. The plant itself seems to appear from nowhere, starting out as a dormant bulb in the sterile earth–in time growing into a stately and majestic plant, this whole cycle symbolizing the resurrection of Christ. Lilies appear frequently in both Bible passages and in medieval religious art.
In choosing the perfect plant from Klein’s, look for one with just one or two open buds and more flower buds forming at the top of the stem. The best plants usually average between 8 and 14 buds. The retail price is usually based on the number of stems per pot and the number of flower buds on each stem. Look for plants that are sturdy, deep green in color, glossy and with leaves nearly all the way down the stem to the soil. You’ll notice that we try to remove the yellow anthers from the open blossoms where the infamous pollen forms. This not only keeps the petals a pure white, but also lengthens the life of the plant.
Upon taking your lily home, place it in a bright location, but out of direct sun and as with all forced bulbs, the cooler the better. Once in a warm home, you’ll notice that the flower buds will open quite quickly. The cooler the temperatures, the longer the plants will bloom. Keep the soil moist, but never soggy. Fertilizing is not necessary. Keep removing the yellow anthers as the blossoms open, but before the pollen sheds. Lily pollen is notorious for leaving stains on fabrics. Though easy to wash out, the pollen does not brush off fabrics without leaving a stubborn yellow smudge.
As the blossoms wilt and fade, simply cut them from the plant with a scissors. From now until late spring, simply treat your flowerless lily as an indoor house plant, watering thoroughly when dry to the touch. If you have a sunny garden spot with rich, well-drained soil, you can plant your lily outdoors at the same depth, once the soil has warmed. Under normal circumstances your lily will not bloom again this season, having used up most of its energy at Easter time. The foliage will usually die back to the ground at this point, reemerging later in summer in order to reenergize the bulb for next year. Because Wisconsin is borderline hardy for Easter lilies, it’s best to top with a mulch for winter, though we’ve had great success in unmulched Madison Zone 5 gardens. New growth will appear in late spring the following year so it’s best to mark the spot so you don’t accidentally break off the crisp and tender shoots.
Easter lilies will bloom naturally during July in Wisconsin. The original plant you purchased at the greenhouse was artificially forced to bloom during the Easter season by us prechilling the bulbs. Though not incredibly long-lived, you will get many seasons from your Easter lily purchase once placed in the garden. By planting each year’s Easter lily into your garden beds, you can over time create a truly awesome and super-fragrant display.
Please note that Easter lilies (and all lilies) are extremely toxic to pets and especially cats.
Our neighborhood in Sun Prairie has had a terrible problem with Japanese Beetles for a decade. Can you please provide a list of plants, and shrubs they do not find edible. Are there any newer ways to control them? Barbara
Hi Barbara,
I have to start off by saying that Japanese beetles are here to stay. These non-native invaders spread into the Madison in the late 1980’s from the east coast. Hard to believe, but their populations in the Madison area (according to the UW), actually peaked about 8-10 years ago and have stayed relatively stable ever since.
For various reasons, some years are worse than others (the current yea’r’s weather, the previous season’s weather when they bred and laid their eggs, natural population cycles, their predators population cycles, etc.). Last year was a particularly bad year for you, but the populations in my own yard were actually on the low side for unknown reasons. As always, they were horrible on my roses in June, but then left my hibiscus, cannas and basil (all food favorites) relatively untouched the rest of the summer. Many of our customers (like you) had a completely different experience, however. That said, their populations lasted later into the late summer last season than usual. Populations usually begin to diminish after mid-July, but stayed high well into August last season.
There is nothing new on the market to control the beetles. The Japanese beetle traps are a horrible choice in that they draw even more beetles to your yard. Corn gluten controls the grubs (the baby beetles) in the soil, but ALL of your neighbors would have to apply it to be at all effective. Even then its effectiveness has always been questioned. There are, of course, sprays that kill the beetles, but they kill everything else, too, including butterflies, bees and other beneficial pollinators. There are controls available that work systemically and preventively inside the plant, but they do not protect the flowers, only the foliage.
As for plant choices, the list for plants to avoid is a thousand times shorter than the list of plants they don’t seem to bother. Worst choices include (as mentioned); roses, hibiscus, cannas, basil, geraniums, and some trees, birch being the worst. It’s easy to go online and find lists of plants the Japanese beetles relish.
On a personal note, I’ve simply learned to live with them. They usually attack my roses first and worst just after their first flush of bloom. I may not have rose blossoms again for a month or so, but they rebloom again nicely once the beetles peak (or move on to something else). What they feed on, seems to change as the summer progresses. They may feed on my hibiscus for a week or two, but then move on to my basil. A week later, they start to leave my basil alone and then perhaps move on to my cannas for a week or two. I prefer not to use chemicals as not to hurt the beneficial insects in my garden.
I know this is of little consolation, but perhaps because of all the rain and saturated soils we had last summer, their populations may have taken a hard hit for the upcoming season. Their grubs thrive best in dry lawns.
Thanks for your question,
Klein’s Mad Gardener
. . . that in addition to the very popular Dane County Farmers’ Market on the Capitol Square, there are many more weekly farmers’ markets in Madison and most of the surrounding communities?
Below is a list of weekly farmers’ market in the city of Madison. For a complete list of farmers’ markets in the surrounding area, please visit the Edible Madison website @
Capital View Farmers’ Market
When: Wednesdays 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm | June – October (starts May 29))
Where: Corner of Northstar and Sharpsburg Dr., Grandview Commons Neighborhood, east of the Interstate off Cottage Grove Rd.
Dane County Farmers’ Market
When: Saturdays 6:15 am – 1:45 pm | April – November (starts April 13)
Where: Capitol Square
Eastside Farmer’s Market
When: Tuesdays 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm | April – October (starts April 23)
El Mercadito De Centro (Centro Hispano Farmers’ Market)
hen: Wednesdays 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm | June – September
Hilldale Farmer’s Market
Wednesdays and Saturdays 8:00 am – 1:00 pm | May – early November (starts May 4)
Where: Behind LL Bean, off Segoe Rd.
Monroe Street Farmers’ Market
Sundays 9:00 am – 1:00 pm | May – October (starts May 5)
Northside Farmers’ Market
When: Sundays 8:30 am – 12:30 pm | May – October (starts May 5)
2817 N. Sherman Ave., Northside Town Center parking lot, corner of N. Sherman Ave. and Northport Dr., next to Old National Bank in Willy North parking lot.
Southside Farmers’ Market at Labor Temple
Sundays 11:00 am – 3:00 pm, and Tuesdays 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm | spring – late October (starts April 28)
Southside Farmers’ Market at Novation Center
When: Mondays and Wednesdays 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm | June – October (starts June 10)
Southside Farmers’ Market at Villager Mall
When: Fridays 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm | late June – late October (starts June 28)
Southwest Farmers’ Market
Wednesdays 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm | May – October (starts May 1)
Union South Farmers’ Market
When: Thursdays 10:00 am – 2:00 pm | September – October (visit their website later in the season for start date)
Where: North lawn of Union South
Westside Community Market
When: Saturdays 7:00 am – 12:30 pm | April – November (starts April 20)
Where: New Location: Behind UW Health Digestive Health Center: University Ave. & University Row
PRODUCT SPOTLIGHT—Each month we spotlight some product that we already carry or one that we’ve taken note of and plan to carry in the near future. Likewise, if you would like to see Klein’s to carry a product that we don’t currently, please let us know. Our goal is to be responsive to the marketplace and to our loyal clientele. If a product fits into our profile, we will make every effort to get it into our store. In addition, we may be able to special order an item for you, whether plant or hard good, given enough time.
100% Handmade, Hypoallergenic Skincare from SallyeAnder
New this season, Klein’s is carrying a line handmade SallyeAnder skincare products including gardener soaps, insect repellents, kid-safe, after-bite creams and heavy duty hand and foot therapies. A few of the products we carry include:
Heavy Duty Hand Cream Therapy—Moisturize and soften dry cracked skin- guaranteed OVERNIGHT. Starts working immediately! Perfect for rough and sore heels, elbows, hands and knees. Even helps sore noses after a cold. Truly a miracle in a jar- helps heal cracked and bleeding hands overnight guaranteed!!! NO mineral oil. Paraben and alcohol free. Super concentrated- A little goes a long way!
No Bite Me! Bug Repellent Cream—No Bite Me! cream has been our best selling item since 1982, because it really WORKS! It is made with all edible ingredients and does not have any DEET or harmful chemicals. Just dab a little bit on exposed skin and the bugs will leave you alone. Safe to use on newborn skin. Effective on black flies, mosquitoes, ticks, ants, sand-fleas, fleas, and spiders! Also works as an after-bite if you forget to use it! One jar will last a family of four 2 summers.
About SallyeAnder
In 1982, Gary Austin hand-made an olive oil Castile soap for his two-year-old son, Aaron, who was allergic to grocery-aisle-soap. After realizing that there was a community of people with sensitive skin who would benefit from Gary’s soap, SallyeAnder and the commitment to creating the best soap in America was born.
Since then, every product decision has been made with one intention: delivering the highest quality, all-natural skincare solutions to our customers. How do we do that? By foregoing the use of artificial chemicals and synthetic ingredients, and instead, using edible ingredients and essential oils.
We were on the vanguard of formulating products in an environmentally-conscious manner, and even as our company continues to grow, we remain a small team of artisans that craft, package, and ship all of our products by hand. Since that first olive oil Castile soap in 1982, we’ve been dedicated to helping people, and we see no reason to change.
NOTES FROM MY GARDEN JOURNAL–Tips and Observations from My Own Garden by Rick Halbach
ENTRY: MARCH 23, 2019 (Don’t Procrastinate in Luring Orioles to Your Yard)
Did a little bit of putzing in the garage this morning. Among my tasks was taking down and cleaning many of my winter bird feeders and also cleaning and prepping my birdhouses and summer bird feeders; among those my oriole feeders. Orioles appear rather quickly and unexpectedly as the weather warms. I don’t want to miss the opportunity of luring them to my yard in the weeks ahead. Beginning in a week or two I’ll set out orange halves as their initial bait. Once I’ve seen the orioles on the orange halves (or noticed signs of feeding on the halves), I’ll place out my jelly and nectar feeders.
How To Attract Orioles This Spring
With their signature black and orange or yellow coloring and beautiful songs, orioles are a favorite among backyard birds. However, orioles are also known to be somewhat elusive due to their very particular habits.
To help you out, we’ve gathered a list of tips to help you attract the orioles in your region this spring. With just a few simple steps, your yard could soon become a sought-after haven for these stunning birds.
Baltimore Orioles are commonly found throughout the eastern and central regions of the United States. Their habitat range overlaps with the similar-looking Bullock’s Oriole in the middle of the United States. These two species sometimes breed together, creating a population of hybrid species where the range paths overlap. In winter, Baltimore Orioles depart south to the Caribbean, Central America, and northern South America – though they still may be located as far north as Florida.
As with all birds, orioles need food, water and shelter to survive. By meeting all of these needs and appealing to oriole’s specific preferences for each, you can make your backyard a favorite habitat.
One of the biggest mistakes many birders make when trying to attract orioles is that they don’t set up feeders early enough. Don’t wait until you’ve spotted the first oriole of the season before setting them out! Feeders should be placed several weeks before you expect them to arrive in your area. For most birds, putting up your feeders late wouldn’t matter much. Orioles, on the other hand, are creatures of habit and timing matters – if they don’t find feeders in your yard upon their initial spring arrival, they most likely won’t use them later.
Orioles are similar to hummingbirds in several ways. One of these similarities is their attraction to specific colors. While hummingbirds are attracted to red, orioles are particularly drawn to the color orange. They also like oranges, as in the fruit. To catch the eye of orioles passing overhead, place orange feeders in visible spots around your yard. You could also try tying orange ribbon or surveyor’s tape around trees, railings or bushes to lure them down from the sky. Once they figure out that your yard offers an abundant food source, they may decide to stick around.
When spring rolls around, orioles need lots of energy as they come to the end of their migration. To satisfy this need, orioles love to eat sugary, high-energy foods. Provide these beautiful birds with the sweet treats they love by placing feeders for nectar, jelly, and fruit around your yard.
On the other hand, orioles love oranges, as mentioned earlier. Many nectar feeders designed for orioles provide a specific location to offer orange slices. This way, your feathered friends can enjoy two of their favorite foods in the same place. Jelly is another great option to entice orioles.
Whatever you decide to feed them, be sure to keep it fresh. All of these sugary foods can become moldy. Only supply enough food that it will be consumed quickly and frequently replenished. Moldy foods make birds sick just as easily as they do humans.
Later in the summer, once they don’t require as much energy, orioles typically alter their diet to include more insects and less sugar. These offer more protein to support them throughout the nesting season. Keep them coming around through the remainder of the summer by providing mealworms and even suet.
Note that Klein’s carries a great selection of both oriole feeders and food.
Types of Oriole Feeders:
Nectar – Nectar feeders hold a simple sugar and water solution. This type of oriole feeder is a popular choice that features large ports to accommodate large bills, and oversized perches that offer adequate room for these songbirds to sit and dine. Some may even feature spaces to put orange slices for an extra treat!
Jelly – Orioles love jelly! Typical jelly feeders come with a small dish and perch for the orioles to sit on.
* * * * *
ENTRY: MARCH 27, 2019 (Spring Awakens!)
Spring is coming fast to the garden!! I looked out the upstairs windows today and was pleasantly surprised to see purple, blue, white and yellow crocus blooming throughout the grass in the backyard.
The crocus I’ve chosen for the lawn are smaller species types including Crocus sieberi, Crocus chrysanthus and Crocus tommasinianus. Flowers are smaller than the more familiar crocus but they spread nicely throughout the grass and even self sow They finish blooming long before the first mowing and their grass-like foliage blends in perfectly with the lawn once the grass comes in during the upcoming weeks.
Many years ago I started planting a few hundred of the bulbs into the grass each fall. Doing a few each year has kept the task less daunting. I randomly scatter the small bulbs over the lawn and quickly plant them by prying back a slit of sod with the tip of my trowel, pressing the slit closed with my fingertips. One hundred of the pea-sized bulbs can easily be planted in 1/2 hour. After several years of planting a hundred or so bulbs each autumn, the back lawn has become a sea of color early each spring. These species crocus are always the first flowers to bloom in my yard each spring–sometimes while there’s still snow just inches away.
Note: Like large flowered crocus, species crocus are planted in the fall and become available around Labor Day. For the best selection of species crocus, turn to the mail order bulb companies, rather than retail outlets. Catalogs become available during June and favorite sources include:
* * * * *
ENTRY: MARCH 30, 2019 (A Boost for Growing Healthy Legumes)
In a few short weeks it’ll be time to plant cool-loving peas and sweet peas in the garden and I realized that I’ve forgotten to add garden/legume inoculant to my list of supplies to pick up from work. Peas, sweet peas, as well as beans (which are planted well into May) are all legumes and help fix nitrogen into the soil. The following concise and simple explanation comes from
“Peas, beans and other legumes are well known to help fix nitrogen into the soil. This not only helps the peas and beans grow, but can help other plants later grow in that same spot. What many people don’t know is that a significant amount of nitrogen fixing by peas and beans happens only when a special legume inoculant has been added to the soil.
What Is A Garden Soil Inoculant?
Organic gardening soil inoculants are a type of bacteria added to the soil to “seed” the soil. In other words, a small amount of bacteria is added when using pea and bean inoculants so it can multiply and become a large amount of bacteria.
The kind of bacteria used for legume inoculants is Rhizobium leguminosarum which is a nitrogen fixing bacteria. These bacteria “infect” the legumes growing in the soil and cause the legumes to form the nitrogen fixing nodules that make peas and beans the nitrogen powerhouses they are. Without the Rhizobium leguminosarum bacteria, these nodules do not form and the peas and beans will not be able to produce the nitrogen that helps them grow and also replenishes the nitrogen in the soil.
How To Use Organic Gardening Soil Inoculants
Using pea and bean inoculants is easy and simple. First purchase your legume inoculant from your local nursery (such as Klein’s) or a reputable online gardening website.
Once you have your garden soil inoculant, plant your peas or beans (or both). When you plant the seed for the legume you are growing, place a good amount of the legume inoculants in the hole with the seed. You cannot over inoculate, so do not be afraid of adding too much to the hole. The real danger will be that you will add too little garden soil inoculant and the bacteria will not take.
Once you have finished adding your pea and bean inoculants, cover both the seed and the inoculant with soil. That is all you have to do to add organic gardening soil inoculants to the soil to help you grow a better pea, bean or other legume crop.”
Note that Klein’s sells Garden Inoculant from Olds Garden Seeds and merchandised along with our seeds in our retail area.
KLEIN’S RECIPES OF THE MONTH—These are a selection of relatively simple recipes chosen by our staff. New recipes appear monthly. Enjoy!!
Arugula (Eruca sativa) is an easy-to-grow European green with a very distinct and unique peppery flavor. Like most cool weather greens, arugula is most readily available in mid to late spring and then again in the fall (though its available in supermarkets year round). Arugula is delightful fresh in mixed salads, in soups or lightly braised. Braised arugula with olive oil and pine nuts is a simple and delicious sauce for over fish. Arugula is also known as rocket or roquette and is easily grown from seed just like lettuce or spinach. Klein’s also sells arugula plants available in early May. Here are a few of our arugula favorites:
TOMATO & ARUGULA PASTA–A real treat for the arugula lover who wants something different from arugula than just a salad. This recipe appears in The Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook, 12th Edition.
16 oz. dried ziti or mostaccioli
2 medium onions, thin sliced
4 cloves minced garlic
2 TBS. olive oil
6 cups chopped tomatoes
2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
1/2 tsp. crushed pepper flakes (optional)
6 cups arugula and/or spinach, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup toasted pine nuts or slivered almonds
4 TBS. crumbled Gorgonzola or blue cheese of choice
Cook pasta per directions. Meanwhile, in a heavy saucepan, cook the onion and garlic in hot oil on medium heat until tender. Add the tomatoes, salt, pepper and pepper flakes. Cook and stir on medium-high for a few minutes until the tomatoes are warm and release their juices. Stir in the arugula and heat just until the greens are wilted. Serve over the cooked pasta, topped with the nuts and cheese. Serves 8.
ARUGULA PESTO–This is a WOW recipe from Cooking Light magazine. It makes enough pesto for 1 lb. of pasta.
5 cups arugula
1/2 cup grated parmesan
1/4 cup + 2 TBS. toasted pine nuts
1 TBS. lemon juice
3/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1 clove minced garlic
1/3 cup water
2 TBS. extra virgin olive oil
2 cups halved cherry tomatoes
In a food processor, process the arugula, parmesan, 1/4 cup pine nuts, lemon juice, salt, pepper and garlic until finely minced. With the processor running, slowly pour in the water and oil until well blended. Stir into 1 lb. of warm, cooked pasta. Serve, topped with the tomatoes and more toasted pine nuts. Serves 8.
ARUGULA & CUCUMBER SALAD–A light and refreshing salad from the May 2007 issue of Everyday Food magazine.
4 TBS. red wine vinegar
2 TBS. extra virgin olive oil
2-4 tsp. honey to taste
1 tsp. ground coriander
coarse salt and pepper to taste
24 oz. cleaned arugula
2 medium cucumbers, peeled, halved lengthwise, seeded and thinly sliced.
Whisk together the vinegar, oil, honey, coriander, slat and pepper. In a large bowl, toss together the arugula, cucumber and the dressing. Serve immediately or chill lightly. Serves 8.
ARUGULA, ENDIVE & RADICCHIO SALAD–Talk about a salad of mixed European greens! This one was the star of a Martha Stewart TV show from back in the day.
2 small endive heads, thinly sliced
1 radicchio head, cored and thinly sliced
3-4 cups arugula
2 TBS. extra virgin olive oil
2 TBS. red wine vinegar
1 TBS. honey
coarse salt and pepper to taste
juice from 1/2 orange
Toss together greens in a large bowl. Whisk together oil, vinegar, honey, salt, pepper and the juice. Toss lightly with the greens and serve.
Can Plants “Hear” Pollinators?
“Is it possible that plants can perceive the buzz of nearby pollinators? An experiment performed by a team of researchers at Tel Aviv University in Israel exposed beach evening primrose (Oenothera drummondii) to five different sound stimuli: the recording of a bee from four inches away, silence, and low, intermediate, and high computer-generated frequencies. The results showed that the primroses responded to the bee recording and to the low computer-generated frequencies, both of which cause vibrations similar to those of common pollinators.
Primrose flowers, which are curved much like mammalian ears or a satellite dish, seem well-suited for sensing sound vibrations. Researchers found that within three minutes of exposure to the preferred stimuli, the nectar in the flowers became between 12 and 20 percent sweeter. Bees are capable of sensing even tiny increases in sugar content in nectar, so researchers theorized the plants may be seizing an opportunity to improve the likelihood of pollination. When one or more petals were removed, or a glass jar covered the flower, there was no surge in nectar sweetness.
Reports of the study spread widely in online forums, and some commenters drew parallels between research and pseudoscientific accounts of plants reacting to music or human emotion. The researchers insist, however, that they tested plant response to “ecologically relevant” stimuli. “It would be maladaptive for plants to not use sound for communication,” says Lilach Hadany, the study’s lead researcher.
Osteospermum, or African daisies, have flowers that look very familiar, yet totally foreign. You may even think they’ve been dyed or painted. African daisies look a lot like common daisies, with petals radiating around a center disk. They are even in the Asteraceae family, along with Shasta daisies and zinnia. But when African daisies were first introduced to the market, they had vivid coloring many weren’t used to seeing.
The flower’s center disks looked as though they are colored with metallic paint. African daisies are definitely unique. The leaves will vary by variety. They can be lance-like or broadly ovate and smooth, toothed or lobed. Petals can be smooth and flat, like a daisy, or radiate out in a tubular, spoon-shape. Te species is native to Africa and the Southwestern Arabian peninsula.
African daisies work equally well in the garden or in containers. Because they can stop blooming during hot spells, they are best planted in combination with other plants that will pick up the slack during hot spells. The funky colors can be hard to combine with other flowers. Pairing them with complementary foliage is a great way to incorporate them and guarantee there will be color, even when the plants are not in bloom.
African daisies like bright light. The blooms close up at night and don’t open during cloudy or overcast weather. If you are planning on planting them and want to enjoy the blooms at night, you might want to consider another flower.
Although drought tolerant once established, African daisies still need at least an inch of water per week, to grow their best. During periods of drought or intense heat, the plants will slow down and go dormant. Keep the plants well watered and deadheaded and they will resume blooming when the weather cools.
African daisy cultivars prefer cooler weather and they really don’t like the combination of hot and dry. During periods of drought, be prepared for the plants to gradually cease blooming and go dormant. Cut them back and keep them watered. They should resume blooming in the fall.
When grown as an annual, African daisies needs some supplemental fertilizer every 2 to 3 weeks, especially when grown in a container. Deadheading the spent flowers isn’t crucial since many plants are sterile and don’t produce any seed; it will keep the plants looking tidy.
Klein’s carried the following varieties in 2018 and will carry similar varieties in the 2019 season (Our 2019 plant list will be released in mid-April):
4D Series–An improvement on the 3D series while still maintaining the double centers that keep the flowers open all the time. The flowers on these osteospermum are truly two flowers in one, with the bottom layer exhibiting a traditional osteospermum which is then capped with a secondary frilly flower on top. Plants are very compact at 8-12” tall. Available in berry white, pink, purple and ‘Sunburst’ (two-tone).
‘Blue Eyed Beauty’–Buttery yellow blooms with a contrasting blue eye smother this stocky little African Daisy from June to September. This early flowering variety has a compact, branching habit that is perfect for filling beds and containers, or edging sunny borders. Thrives in hot and sunny conditions, performing beautifully, even in difficult dry soils. Height and spread: 16″.
‘Blushing Beauty’–The golden yellow color and purple/pink center offer a warm, romantic touch and smother this stocky little African Daisy from June to September. This early flowering variety has a compact, branching habit that is perfect for filling beds and containers, or edging sunny borders. Thrives in hot and sunny conditions, performing beautifully, even in difficult dry soils. Height and spread: 16″.
Serenity Series–An extremely well-branched series of osteospermum with a very upright habit. This compact plant is ideal for use in pots, mixed containers, garden beds and borders. Grows to 10-14” tall. Available in red.
Tradewinds Series–Bred to induce flowering at higher temperatures so it blooms more and longer during the summer. Excellent branching and compact growth habit. Available in cinnamon. Grows to about 12-16”.
Voltage Series–A unique series that will stop traffic. It’s the first osteospermum to bloom in the spring and the last one to bloom in the fall. Flower stems are long and flexible. Excellent in hanging baskets and mixed containers. Full, well-branched and compact. Very nice in the landscape. 10-16” tall. Available in white and yellow.
For neighborhood events or garden tours that you would like posted in our monthly newsletter, please contact Rick at (608) 244-5661 or Please include all details, i.e. dates, locations, prices, brief description, etc. Events must be garden related and must take place in the Madison vicinity and we must receive your information by the first of the month in which the event takes place for it to appear in that month’s newsletter.
2019 Green Thumb Gardening Series
Thursdays, February 21 thru April 18, 6:30-9:00
Dane County UW-Extension Office, 5201 Fen Oak Dr, Suite 138
The 2019 Green Thumb Gardening Series will give you the practical knowledge to keep your home garden thriving! University of Wisconsin Extension educators, specialists, and local horticulture experts will provide in depth and accessible information for everyone from the novice to the experienced gardener.
April 4: Backyard Chickens. Learn from Ron Kean, UW-Extension Poultry Specialist, on how to best care for your small flock of egg-layers in a backyard setting.
April 11: Flower Gardening. Learn general techniques for selecting, planting, and caring for annuals and perennials. The session will also highlight new and recommended varieties. Taught by Lisa Johnson, Dane County UW-Extension Horticulture Program.
April 18: Lawn Care. Learn from Doug Soldat, UW-Extension Turf Specialist, on how to best select, start, and maintain a lawn of turfgrass best suited to your needs.
Dane County University of Wisconsin-Extension
5201 Fen Oak Dr, Suite 138
Rotary Garden’s Compost Sale
Saturdays in April and May 4, 8:00-noon
Rotary Botanical Gardens Horticulture Center, located at 825 Sharon Road
Area garden enthusiasts, once again, will have an opportunity to purchase organic compost at Rotary Botanical Gardens in Janesville.
The organic blended mushroom compost is sold in 45 lb. (1.5 cu. ft.) bags for $6 per bag. Rotary Botanical Gardens’ Friends Members will receive an additional 10% discount at the sale.
Rotary Botanical Gardens
1455 Palmer Dr., Janesville, WI
Olbrich Garden’s
Orchid Sale
Saturday, April 6
From 10:00-until supplies last
Celebrate spring with a blooming orchid plant. Orchid Growers Guild members will be available to answer questions. Sponsored by the Orchid Growers Guild. A portion of the proceeds benefits Olbrich Gardens. For information visit
Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Ave., Madison
Saturday, April 6, 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.
Tune in to signs of early spring. Phenology—the study of periodic occurrences in nature—is both art and science, practiced for millennia across cultures and regions. Learn about different approaches, and even invent your own. Instructor: Kathy Miner, Arboretum naturalist. Register by April 2. Meet at the Visitor Center.
University of Wisconsin Arboretum
1207 Seminole Highway
Madison, WI 53711
Garden Excursion
Sunday, April 7, 1:30 pm – 2:30 pm
Learn about Arboretum history, land, and science on a gently paced walk in the gardens. This new monthly stroll offers a multigenerational learning experience on the first Sunday of each month, April–October. Free, no registration required. Meet at the Visitor Center.
University of WI Arboretum
1207 Seminole Hwy.
Madison, WI 53711
13th Annual Midwest Gourd Fest
Saturday, April 13, 9:00-4:00
Learn about gourds, gourd art, and gourd growing. Meet gourd artists, take a class, see demonstrations, and get gourd growing advice. Participate in raffles, silent auctions, and a kid’s corner. Visit for more info. To register for classes call 608/445-1410 or email @
Admission and parking are free.
Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Ave., Madison
Early Signs of Spring
Saturday, April 27, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Native Plant Garden Tour
As trees begin to leaf out, Dutchman’s breeches, twin-leaf, and rue-anemones might be blooming in the woodland gardens, and pasqueflower and prairie-smoke in the prairie gardens. Susan Carpenter, Arboretum native plant gardener, will lead this tour. Free, no registration required. Meet at the Visitor Center.
University of WI Arboretum
1207 Seminole Hwy.
Madison, WI 53711
Woodland Wildflowers
Sunday, April 28, 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm
Walk from the Visitor Center
If this is a typical spring, we may find bloodroot, wild ginger, Virginia bluebells, and Dutchman’s breeches (among other delights) along the trails of our restored woodlands. Free, no registration required. Meet at the Visitor Center.
University of WI Arboretum
1207 Seminole Hwy.
Madison, WI 53711
Saturday, May 4, 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm
In the Longenecker Gardens
Tour the gardens’ extensive magnolia collection, and other spring flowering plants encountered along the way, with Michael Jesiolowski, Missouri Botanical Garden horticulture supervisor. Free, no registration required. Meet at the Visitor Center.
University of WI Arboretum
1207 Seminole Hwy.
Madison, WI 53711
Dane County Late Winter Farmer’s Market
Saturdays, January 5 thru April 6, 8:00-noon
Madison Senior Center
330 W. Mifflin
Dane County Farmer’s Market
Saturdays, April 13 thru November 16, 6:15-1:45
On the Capitol Square
Wednesdays, April 17 thru November 6, 8:30-1:45
In the 200 block of Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
APRIL IN THE GARDEN-–A checklist of things to do this month.
___Continue bringing out your cooled forced bulbs for indoor enjoyment.
___Early in the month, pot up cannas and dahlias for early growth.
___Begin removing, cleaning and storing winter bird feeders.
___Begin your summer bird feeding regimen.
___Keep birdbaths full and clean.
___Repair and put out birdhouses. Put out nesting material like pet hair & fibers.
___Seed starting is in full swing and even winding down by the end of April.
___Sterilize seed starting equipment and pots with a 1:16 bleach solution.
___Shop for summer bulbs like gladiolas, lilies and dahlias.
___Prune late summer and fall blooming shrubs.
___Do not prune spring blooming shrubs like lilacs, forsythia or viburnum.
___Continue bringing in branches for forcing: pussy willow, forsythia, quince, etc.
___Increase fertilizer to full strength by month’s end (houseplants).
___Ready the lawn mower if you haven’t done so already.
___Start weeding your beds. It’s easier while weeds are small & the soil moist.
___Remove all winter mulch from beds.
___Remove the soil mound from around roses and mums.
___Lay soaker hoses in beds. It’s easy now without plants in the way.
___Cut back all remaining perennials and ornamental grasses left from fall.
___Begin sowing seeds of larkspur, poppies and hardy annuals in the garden.
___Plant pansies, violas and calendula into the garden and containers.
___Harden off your seedlings and wintered over potted geraniums.
___Repair lawns by sowing grass seed. Rake the lawn.
___Move cole crop transplants to the garden; broccoli, kohlrabi, cabbage, etc.
___Plant onion sets and early spring crops like lettuce, spinach, carrots, beets
___Begin planting perennials. Plant shrubs and trees.
___Visit Klein’s—the showrooms are filled with spring annuals.
Some of our very favorite seed and plant sources include:
For seeds:
For bulbs:
For plants:
Starting your own plants from seed can be both rewarding and frustrating for the beginning gardener. From experience, it’s best to start out slow. This eliminates some of the frustration. Experience will gain you knowledge and confidence. Before starting your seeds, read the packet and get a little basic information. Some seeds are best sown directly in the garden come spring and not started indoors. It’s best to do a little research by going on-line or purchasing a good gardening book. The packets themselves will usually tell you whether to direct sow in the garden or how many weeks before our last frost date to sow indoors. Our last frost date is about May 10. Using a calendar, count back from May 10 and this will be your sow date.
One can start seeds on any sunny windowsill and in almost any container. Warmth and moisture are critical in getting most seeds to germinate. But a few pieces of basic and inexpensive equipment purchased at your garden center and/or hardware store will help you get started and make your seed starting experience a great success. Here is a shopping list:
*A heating mat–makes seeds germinate quickly and uniformly
*A few 10×20” trays without holes
*A few clear humidity domes
*A sterile seed starting mix
*A 4’ shop lamp w/ 2 fluorescent bulbs (you don’t need “gro-lights”)
or a seed growing rack if you’d like to make an investment
*A few 10×20” trays with holes
*A few sheets of empty cell packs, e.g. 4-packs or 6-packs
*A water mister
*A timer
*A soilless potting mix
All of the above items, except the timer, are available at Klein’s.
Again, following package instructions, sow the seeds, as many as you want, in a very shallow, open container, filled with moistened seed starting mix. This container can be anything from very low or cut off dairy containers to disposable food storage containers. Per package instructions, cover or don’t cover the seed. Some seeds require light for germination. Next place your seeded containers in a tray without holes, mist them till well watered and cover with a humidity dome. Place your covered tray on the plugged in heating mat under the shop light. Set your timer so the shop light is on for 13 hours (off for 11 hours).
In a few days, as your seeds begin to sprout, remove them from under the humidity dome and place in a well-lit, warm location. Keep your seeds and seedlings moist. Different seeds sprout at different rates so this can take from a few days to a few weeks. Once all your seeds have germinated, unplug your heating mat. You can now move all of your seedlings to under the shop light still set at 13 hours.
Once your seedlings have 2 sets of “real” leaves it’s time to “prick them out” (transplant them). Do this by placing a sheet of empty cell packs in a tray with holes. The holes now become necessary for proper drainage. Fill the cells with soilless potting mix and moisten well with the mister. Using a pen or pencil “dibble” a hole into each of the cells. This is where you’ll now place your seedling. Remove the seed starting mix and seedlings as a clump from their starting containers. Gently break apart this root ball, separating your seedlings. The pen or pencil will come in handy as an added tool to help separate the seedlings. Carefully place one seedling in each of the holes you put in the prepped cells. Gently firm in with your finger tips. Mist well to water thoroughly and place in a warm, well lit area. Using your shop light again makes this easy. The seedlings may seem weak and somewhat abused, but they’re very resilient and will pop back quickly. When watering, fertilize your new plants with a very dilute solution, rather than at full rate. By May 10 your flowers and vegetables should be ready to put in your garden and you can say that you did it yourself–beginning to end.
BEHIND THE SCENES AT KLEIN’S—This is a sneak peek of what is going on each month behind the scenes in our greenhouses. Many people are unaware that our facility operates year round or that we have 10 more greenhouses on the property in addition to the 6 open for retail. At any given moment we already have a jump on the upcoming season–be it poinsettias in July, geraniums in December or fall mums in May.
—Transplanting is in full swing on the transplanting line in our back greenhouses.
Employees work 8-10 hour shifts planting thousands of plugs and tiny seedlings into the cell packs you purchase in the spring. Once planted, the flats move by conveyor and then monorail into the various greenhouses, all kept at different temperatures depending on the plant.
—The greenhouses and showrooms are filling fast with thousands of hanging
and potted plants. We’re constantly moving product around, trying to make the best use of our limited space.
—Retail items are arriving nonstop for unpacking and pricing, everything from
garden ornaments and pottery to pesticides and fertilizers.
—Employees are readying the thousands of lilies, hydrangeas, azaleas, mums and spring bulbs that we deliver to the many area churches each Easter. We look forward to this time when the greenhouses are emptied to make room for our spring crops.
—Product is moved from the warmth of the greenhouses to the outdoors for the hardening off process. Plants are pinched back and moved outside so they can be acclimated for spring planting in your garden. Plants that have not been properly acclimated can find the transition to full sun and temperature extremes quite difficult. You’ve probably noticed that many garden centers do not harden off their plants properly. Symptoms include leaf burn and root rot.
—We’re readying the showrooms for the spring onslaught. Tables become fully stocked. Spring info and price signs are put into place. The last week of April is an amazing time to visit Klein’s. The showrooms are jam-packed, bursting with color, awaiting the spring rush which usually begins about May 1.
Have our monthly newsletter e-mailed to you automatically by signing up on the right side of our home page. We’ll offer monthly tips, greenhouse news and tidbits, specials and recipes. . .everything you need to know from your favorite Madison greenhouse. And tell your friends. It’s easy to do.
THE MAD GARDENER–“Madison’s Firsthand Source for Expert Gardening Advice”
Ask us your gardening questions by e-mailing us at Klein’s in-house
Mad Gardener will e-mail you with an answer as promptly as we can. The link is posted on our home page and in all newsletters.
We can only answer those questions pertaining to gardening in Southern Wisconsin and we reserve the right to leave correspondence unanswered at our discretion. Please allow 2-3 days for a response.
Follow Klein’s on
Facebook where we post updates and photos on a regular basis.
Join Klein’s on
Twitterwhere we post company updates and photos on a regular basis.
We offer a 10% Off Senior Citizen Discount every Tuesday to those 62 and above. This discount is not in addition to other discounts or sales. Please mention that you are a senior before we ring up your purchases. Does not apply to wire out orders or services, i.e. delivery, potting, etc.
Klein’s Floral and Greenhouses delivers daily, except Sundays, throughout all of Madison and much of Dane County including: Cottage Grove, DeForest, Fitchburg, Maple Bluff, Marshall, McFarland, Middleton, Monona, Oregon, Shorewood Hills, Sun Prairie, Verona, Waunakee and Windsor. We do not deliver to Cambridge, Columbus, Deerfield or Stoughton.
Current delivery rate on 1-4 items is $7.95 for Madison, Maple Bluff, Monona and Shorewood Hills; $8.95 for Cottage Grove, DeForest, Fitchburg, McFarland, Sun Prairie, Waunakee and Windsor; and $9.95 for Marshall, Middleton, Oregon and Verona. An additional $3.00 will be added for deliveries of 4-10 items and $5.00 added for deliveries of more than 10 items. For deliveries requiring more than one trip, a separate delivery charge will be added for each trip.
A minimum order of $25.00 is required for delivery.
We not only deliver our fabulous fresh flowers, but also houseplants, bedding plants and hardgoods. There may be an extra charge for very large or bulky items.
Delivery to the Madison hospitals is $5.95. Deliveries to the four Madison hospitals are made during the early afternoon. Items are delivered to the hospital’s volunteer rooms and not directly to the patients’ rooms per hospital rules.
There is no delivery charge for funerals in the city of Madison or Monona, although normal rates apply for morning funeral deliveries to Madison’s west side (west of Park St.). Our normal rates also apply for funeral deliveries in the surrounding communities at all times. Although we don’t deliver on Sundays, we will deliver funeral items on Sundays at the regular delivery rate.
Morning delivery is guaranteed to the following Madison zip codes, but only if requested: 53703, 53704, 53714, 53716, 53718 and Cottage Grove, DeForest, Maple Bluff, Marshall, McFarland, Monona, Sun Prairie, Waunakee and Windsor.
We begin our delivery day at 8:00 a.m. and end at approximately 3:00 p.m. We do not usually deliver after 4:00 unless specific exceptions are made with our drivers.
Except for holidays, the following west-side zip codes and communities are delivered only during the afternoon: 53705, 53706, 53711, 53713, 53717, 53719, 53726, Fitchburg, Middleton, Oregon, Shorewood Hills and Verona.
During holidays (Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, etc.) we are able to make morning deliveries to all of the above areas. We are not able to take closely timed deliveries on any holiday due to the sheer volume of such requests.
It’s best to give us a range of time and we’ll try our absolute hardest. Orders for same day delivery must be placed by 12:30 p.m. or by 2:30 p.m. for Madison zip codes 53704 and 53714.
DEPARTMENT HEADS: Please refer all questions, concerns or feedback in the following departments to their appropriate supervisor.
Phone: 608/244-5661 or 888/244-5661
University of Wisconsin Extension
1 Fen Oak Ct. #138
Madison, WI 53718
Plant Disease Diagnostics Clinic
Dept. of Plant Pathology
1630 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Insect Diagnostic Lab
240 Russell Labs
1630 Linden Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
U.W. Soil and Plant Analysis Lab
8452 Mineral Point Rd.
Verona, WI 53593
American Horticultural Society
Garden Catalogs (an extensive list with links)
Invasive Species
Community Groundworks
3601 Memorial Dr., Ste. 4
Madison, WI 53704
Madison Area Master Gardeners (MAMGA)
Wisconsin Master Gardeners Program
Department of Horticulture
1575 Linden Drive
University of Wisconsin – Madison
Madison, WI 53706
The Wisconsin Gardener
Allen Centennial Gardens
620 Babcock Dr.
Madison, WI 53706
Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Ave.
Madison, WI 53704
Rotary Gardens
1455 Palmer Dr.
Janesville, WI 53545
University of WI Arboretum
1207 Seminole Hwy.
Madison, WI 53711
University of Wisconsin-West Madison
Agricultural Research Center
8502 Mineral Point Rd.
Verona, WI 53593
Children may find the bright colors and different textures of plants irresistible, but some plants can be poisonous if touched or eaten. If you’re in doubt about whether or not a plant is poisonous, don’t keep it in your home. The risk is not worth it. The following list is not comprehensive, so be sure to seek out safety information on the plants in your home to be safe.
•Bird of paradise
•Bull nettle
•Castor bean
•Chinaberry tree
•Deadly nightshade
•Dieffenbachia (dumb cane)
•Glory lily
•Holly berry
•Indian tobacco
•Lily of the valley
•Mescal bean
•Morning glory
•Mountain laurel
•Night-blooming jasmine
•Poison ivy
•Poison sumac
•Water hemlock
Below is a list of some of the common plants which may produce a toxic reaction in animals. This list is intended only as a guide to plants which are generally identified as having the capability for producing a toxic reaction. Source: The National Humane Society website @•Aconite
•Autumn Crocus
•Black locust
•Carolina jessamine
•Castor bean
•Chinaberry tree
•Christmas berry
•Christmas Rose
•Common privet
•Corn cockle
•Cow cockle
•Day lily
•Delphinium (Larkspur)
•Dutchman’s breeches
•Easter lily
•Elephant’s ear
•English Ivy
•European Bittersweet
•Field peppergrass
•Horse nettle
•Jerusalem Cherry
•Lily of the valley
•Milk vetch
•Morning glory
•Poison hemlock
•Rosary pea
•Sago palm
•Skunk cabbage
•Star of Bethlehem
•Wild black cherry
•Wild radish
•Yellow jessamine