At Klein’s Floral and Greenhouses we are committed to the long term sustainability of the bee population. We hope you share these concerns and thank you for helping pollinators in general.
What are Neonicotinoids?
Neonicotinoids are a systemic class of pesticides derived from nicotine.
What is their purpose?
Neonicotinoids are used to control pests and protect plants from damage.
What products don’t we use them on?
We do not and will not use Neonicotinoids on our vegetable and herbs crops, perennials, trees or shrubs.
Do we use them? What products do we use them on?
Klein’s Floral and Greenhouses uses Neonicotinoids as part of a comprehensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM). We use them in accordance to the EPA approved labeling and in such a fashion that minimizes exposure to our employees, environment, and bees in particular. Many of the plants on which we use Neonicotinoids are crops which stay indoors i.e., Poinsettias.
Because we source Annuals plugs and plants from other sources we have to inform our customers that our plants may have come in contact with a Neoninotinoid pesticide, but many of our sources are NOT using Neonicotinoids, so it is impossible to say definitively yes or no.
Are there any alternatives?
Klein’s Floral and Greenhouses is currently testing and seeking alternative approaches to Neonicotinoid use. We are closely monitoring current research (which so far has shown to be inconclusive regarding bee decline and Colony Collapse Disorder). Our garden center is currently using beneficial insects to control pests. Our industry as a whole is looking in-depth into this issue, but it will take some time to work the changes through our suppliers and develop new methods and practices.
What can consumers do to help?
Consumers can help by using any insecticide (even ‘organic’ ones) in a proper manner and in accordance with label recommendations. These include mixing correctly, applying ONLY during non-active hours for pollinators, NEVER applying when blooms are open, and only applying when winds are calm.